Tummy tuck, like any other operation, is associated with a number of potential complications, some of which can not only negate the entire aesthetic effect, but also pose a direct threat to the health and even life of the patient. It is impossible to insure against all complications, and any plastic surgeon knows this, but it is quite possible to minimize the likelihood of developing serious consequences for the patient after abdominoplasty if you carefully collect the patient's history, take into account the individual characteristics of his body, and control the postoperative period.

Modern surgical techniques can minimize the likelihood of most problems associated with abdominoplasty, but it is impossible to completely insure against them. In addition, an essential role is played by the individual characteristics of a person and his general attitude to the operation.

Possible complications associated with abdominoplasty are divided into 2 main groups:

  • of a general nature, in one way or another affecting all systems of our body;
  • local, directly associated with a wide incision in the abdominal wall.

In addition, aesthetic complications associated with the formation of an inevitable postoperative scar can be identified as a separate group.

We should not forget about possible individual problems associated with genetic predisposition, intolerance to certain medications, etc. – this information must be collected by the surgeon during preparation for the operation based on the patient’s medical record and other personal information.

Complications of a general nature in abdominoplasty

As you know, after abdominoplasty, the volume of not only the abdominal cavity, but also the chest cavity decreases, as a result of which some patients may experience breathing difficulties and an increased load on the pulmonary circulation. In especially severe cases, this is fraught with pulmonary edema - which is why before the operation it is necessary not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to treat chronic respiratory diseases such as bronchitis.

Excessive removal of adipose tissue (for example, if abdominoplasty is performed in combination with liposuction) is extremely dangerous, which can lead to profuse blood loss, the development of iron deficiency anemia and kidney failure. In general, the likelihood of such complications is low and in most cases is the result of an error or low qualification of the surgeon.

The forced immobilization of the patient caused by the operation can also cause a lot of problems. Stagnation of blood in the lungs caused by prolonged bed rest leads to the development of hypostatic pneumonia.

In addition, like any other abdominal surgery, abdominoplasty increases the risk of such an unpleasant complication as deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities. To avoid these problems, already on the second day after the operation, the patient must begin to get up and move independently, as well as take special medications.

Local complications after abdominoplasty surgery

The most common local complications associated with abdominoplasty include:

  • seromas and hematomas (occur due to the accumulation of serous fluid and / or blood in the wound). Their treatment will require regular abdominal punctures or additional sutures;
  • skin necrosis at the edges of the surgical incision is one of the most common complications among smokers. As a rule, dying tissues are excised, the wound is sutured and heals naturally. But in the process of healing, excess scar tissue may form, which will entail the need for additional measures to correct the appearance of the scar;
  • inflammatory processes and suppuration of the wound (may be the development of the above complications or the result of external infection). Usually treated with antibiotics.

In most cases, these complications arise as a result of a violation by the surgeon of the abdominoplasty technique or non-compliance by the patient with key postoperative recommendations.

In addition, after the operation, you should pay special attention to any changes that occur in the body. The patient should be aware that a high or "jumping" temperature, excessive redness, swelling in the incision area is a reason to immediately contact your clinic for an accurate diagnosis of the situation.

Aesthetic complications after abdominoplasty surgery

One of the main concerns for patients planning tummy tuck is the appearance of the postoperative scar. In the normal course of the process, over time, it becomes hardly noticeable, but in some cases, scarring occurs with additional complications. In particular, problems may arise in patients with a tendency to form keloid scars, as well as in case of necrosis in the early postoperative stage.

Another possible problem is the change in the shape of the navel due to the change in skin tension. In order to avoid this trouble during abdominoplasty, the navel is in most cases transferred to a new position, however, in the process of healing the suture around the navel, its shape can also be significantly deformed.

According to the site “Plastic Surgery. Cosmetology”

seromas and hematomas (occur due to the accumulation of serous fluid and / or blood in the wound). Their treatment will require regular abdominal punctures or additional sutures;

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