Behçet's disease is difficult to diagnose because its appearance is similar to ulcerative stomatitis and in some cases herpes. However, to differentiate Behcet's disease from other diseases in which there is & nbsp; rashes on the skin and ulcers on the mucous membranes are very important, since their nature is different and the treatment is specific. With Behcet's disease, the vascular walls are damaged, and this carries the risk of developing severe complications for the whole organism. Therefore, the doctor needs to be guided in the symptoms of Behçet's disease, if it is suspected, prescribe additional examinations and not hesitate to start treatment.

 Causes of Behcet's disease and main symptoms

The causes of Behcet's disease are not fully understood, but it is assumed that this is most likely to occur when several factors unfavorable for the body are combined – these are viral damage, bacterial infection and toxic effects. Under the influence of these factors, autoimmune mechanisms are activated, the body begins to produce antibodies to its own mucous membranes, suppression of immune defense occurs, and increased production of circulating immune complexes begins.

The defining feature that differentiates Behçet's disease from other diseases is the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals, as well as inflammation of the eyes.

Small opaque blisters appear in the oral cavity and on the lips, after opening of which bright pink sores remain, and then in their place – scarring. Sometimes ulcers on the mucous merge into continuous inflamed surfaces. The healing of sores on the mucous membranes in the mouth and in the genital area lasts for a month, and the inflammation can recur several times a year.

A few weeks after the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes, patients develop symptoms associated with inflammation of the eyes: iris, cornea, choroid and mucous membranes. Patients complain of photophobia, pain in the eyes, increased lacrimation and blurred perception of objects.

Other symptoms characteristic of Behçet's disease include the following:

  • skin with folliculitis, papules, erythema nodosum;
  • panaritiums under the nails;
  • pain in the elbow, knee, ankle joints.

Without timely treatment, Behcet's disease can manifest itself as endocarditis, pleurisy, thrombophlebitis, papilledema.

The most serious complications of Behcet's disease are aortic aneurysms and thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, partial or complete loss of vision, gangrene of the extremities.

 Complex treatment of manifestations of Behcet's disease

Given the multiplicity of manifestations of Behcet's disease, therapy should be complex, systematic and long-term. The complex of treatment usually includes antibacterial and antiviral drugs, immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the absence of positive dynamics, corticosteroids and cytostatics are prescribed after 2 months. Plasmapheresis and hemosorption are recommended.

Local symptomatic treatment includes rinsing the mouth with anti-inflammatory and drying solutions, herbal decoctions, the use of hepatrombin ointment, eye drops with dexamethasone.

Timely correct diagnosis of Behcet's disease and early treatment will help prevent the development of severe complications.

Behçet's disease,  sores on mucous membranes

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