Therapist asked for a consultation, who suspected that it could be a threatening infection common in African countries – cutaneous leishmaniasis or Buruli ulcer. In fact, the problem is banal and not serious.

The man turned out to be an ardent fan, rooting for his team with all his heart, not sparing himself and his lips. In the photo – an example of an ordinary injury, "sucking", which in its essence is a typical hematoma, which was formed in a man due to the frequent and strong pressing of the pipe to his lips. Minor injuries and cracks on the surface of the lips cause a burning sensation and fullness.

This kind of injury needs to be treated immediately. First of all, you need to clean your lips by simply washing them with water or wiping them with an antiseptic damp cloth. If possible, cold should be applied within 5-10 minutes after redness. It can be either a piece of ice or a bottle of mineral water, glass is better. You can immediately lubricate your lips with aloe vera or chamomile lip balm to soothe and moisturize them. At home, Bodyaga will help, which, mixed with a baby or moisturizer, should be applied to the lips every 2-3 hours.

There are also some folk remedies:

  • apply potatoes, finely grated in the form of gruel, to the hematoma;
  • wipe lips with aloe juice;
  • soda, mixed with water and brought to the consistency of thick sour cream, is applied as a compress for several minutes.

To soften the skin of the lips and treat small cracks that will inevitably appear after active "fanaticism", a lip mask will help: you need to mix finely grated apples with a teaspoon of butter, apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, rinse and lubricate the lips with vegetable oil or soothing balm.

Cucumber and carrot juice, honey or sour cream moisturizes the skin of the lips well. At home, several times a day, you just need to lubricate your lips and let them absorb juice or sour cream on their own.

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