The reproductive system of the body – This is the system responsible for the ability of the human body to reproduce. At the instinctive level of each person, there is a craving for procreation, and the reproductive system functions in the body to realize this instinct. The organs of the reproductive system simultaneously perform both endo- and exocrine functions, as they produce both hormones and the secret of the genital organs. The normal functioning of the reproductive system depends on many factors, the most important of which is the activity of the pituitary gland – the main organ that regulates the entire endocrine system.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the main causes of infertility in both women and men. First of all, couples presenting  complaints   of the inability to conceive a child, it is necessary to appoint a study of the hormonal panel. The most important hormones of the female reproductive system are progesterone and estradiol, male – testosterone.  Not only practicing doctors, but also patients who are attentive to their health should be aware of the normal values ​​​​of sex hormones in the body, as well as the causes and signs of pathological changes in the concentrations of hormones in the reproductive system.

Progesterone – steroid hormone of the female reproductive system

Progesterone – is a steroid hormone produced by the female gonads – ovaries, and to a much lesser extent the adrenal cortex, the corpus luteum of the ovaries and, during pregnancy, the placenta. Of course, without progesterone, the normal development and functioning of a woman's body is impossible. The main function of progesterone is to regulate the menstrual cycle, as well as to ensure successful pregnancy. It is necessary to donate blood to determine the content of progesterone strictly on the day that the gynecologist determines. Depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of progesterone in a woman's body can be as follows:  in the follicular phase – 0.4-5.4 nmol/l., in the luteal phase – 3.3-71.2 nmol/l.

Immediately before ovulation  the content of progesterone in the body ranges from 1.23 to 18.7 nmol / l, in the early stages of pregnancy (4-12 weeks) & nbsp; the concentration of progesterone rises to 35.5-137 nmol / l, due to its additional synthesis by the placenta. Except during pregnancy, the concentration of progesterone can increase in diseases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, tumors & nbsp; adrenal glands, chorionepithelioma and hydatidiform mole. A decrease in progesterone is observed if a woman is threatened with miscarriage during pregnancy, as well as with galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome and endocrinopathies, which are accompanied by luteal phase deficiency.

The role of estradiol in the functioning of the female reproductive system

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Estradiol – it is a hormone of the reproductive system, estrogen, which is of direct importance in the formation of a woman's secondary sexual characteristics, and in combination with progesterone controls the activity of the entire female reproductive system. Estradiol is considered to be the most important female estrogen. With violations of the production of estradiol in the body, successful pregnancy for a woman is almost impossible. In addition, estradiol plays an important role in the normal development of the female genital organs during puberty.  Estradiol is produced mainly by the ovaries and to a much lesser extent  by the adrenal cortex.

During pregnancy, the concentration of estradiol increases significantly within the physiological norm, since its synthesis also occurs in the placenta. Normal concentrations of estradiol in the follicular phase vary from  97.5-592 pmol / l., in the luteal phase – 120-738 pmol / l., during menopause, the concentration of estradiol decreases to 14.9-258 pmol / l. The male body also contains estradiol, but in small quantities: from 19.7 to 242 pmol / l. An increased content of estradiol in the body is observed in pathological conditions such as development & nbsp; follicular  ovarian cysts, ovarian granulosa cell tumors, estrogen-secreting tumors of other localization, tumors that secrete pregnancy hormone – human chorionic gonadotropin, gynecomastia, obesity and liver cirrhosis. The concentration of estradiol decreases with hypogonadism of any genesis. As in the case of progesterone, the study of the content of estradiol in the blood should be carried out on the day clearly indicated by the doctor, as the indicators may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Testosterone – steroid hormone of the male reproductive system

Testosterone – it is an androgen, that is, a male hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men, and regulating male reproductive function. Testosterone supports spermatogenesis, affects the growth of bones and muscle mass, stimulates erythropoiesis. The normal concentration of testosterone in the male body is in the range of 11.0-33.5 nmol / l. In the female body, testosterone is contained in a much smaller amount: 0.2-2.7 nmol / l. The increased content of testosterone in the body may be due to the following pathologies: endogenous corticism, secondary adrenal cortex dysplasia, testosterone-producing tumors of the testicles. 

An increased concentration of testosterone in the female body is most often observed in polycystic ovary syndrome and their virilizing tumors. The concentration of testosterone can decrease in Down syndrome, liver failure, uremia, cryptorchidism, primary and secondary hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism. It is important to remember that the artificial introduction of testosterone into the body, often practiced among athletes to stimulate muscle growth, can adversely affect the functional state of the male reproductive system. 

Consequences and methods of correcting hormonal disorders of the reproductive system

Change in the concentrations of reproductive hormones in the body of men and women affects not only the reproductive function, but also the appearance of the patient. Excess  the production of testosterone in the female body provokes excessive hair growth in places atypical for women, the development of acne and other changes in the appearance of a woman according to the male type.

Increase in the concentration of female hormones in the male body leads to the development of secondary sexual characteristics according to the female type, for example, to enlargement of the mammary gland – gynecomastia. In addition, the hormonal factor is considered as one of the main causes of sexual orientation disorders.  To correct violations of reproductive hormones, first of all, it is necessary to find and eliminate the root cause of such a condition. Surgery is often necessary to remove hormone-producing tumors. Conservative therapy of hormonal disorders is carried out with the help of hormone replacement therapy. Hormonal drugs often perform an additional function: preventing unplanned pregnancy. Given the fact that there is a hormonal imbalance, of course,

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