Как ухаживать за кожей летом: полинуклеотиды и гиалуроновая кислота

Skin in the summer requires special care and recovery after insolation. The revolutionary opening of the Italian pharmaceutical concern «Mastelli» – polynucleotides. They are exactly those "bricks" that restore the skin from the inside, increasing the production of collagen. Hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes the skin, activates the work of fibroblasts, followed by the production of collagen and elastin. Recovery after sun exposure with a combination of polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid in Mastelli Newest from the portfolio of TOTISPHARMA GROUP ideal for skin care in summer.

Polynucleotide Benefits: Properties and Functions 

Polynucleotides – sections of DNA molecules that, getting into the skin, restore damaged cell DNA. Anti-age effect is achieved by producing the required amount of collagen and non-collagen molecules, optimal skin hydration, as well as optimal protection against UVA and UVB. This, in turn, leads to a general improvement in skin condition, rejuvenation, and lifting.

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Mastelli have patented a method for extracting PDRN from salmon milt. Polynucleotides:

  • stimulate reparation processes;
  • accelerate re-epithelialization and scarring of the skin;
  • ensure rapid and harmonious formation of granulation tissue in the wound area;
  • increase the metabolic activity of cells;
  • stimulate angiogenesis;

Polynucleotides for skin rejuvenation: how to prevent aging

  • enhance the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid;
  • reduce the level of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-a;
  • are highly effective free radical traps (protect against damage by metabolites, xenobiotics, temperature factors, etc.);
  • Protect against UVB radiation by inhibiting excessive melanin formation and reduce accumulation of occult pigmentation.

What is the difference between biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid and polynucleotides in cosmetology

The end result of the biorevitalization procedure is expressed as: 

• restoration of skin hydration; 

• strengthening its elasticity and firmness; 

• correction of gravitational ptosis; 

The ABC of the skin: the structure of the dermis

     • damage regeneration;


• reducing the severity of rosacea, enlarged pores;

The main thing that distinguishes biorevitalization with various drugs is the mechanism of action on the dermis space.

Hyaluronic acid

deeply moisturizes the skin, activates the work of fibroblasts, followed by the production of collagen and elastin. It can be used on any areas of the face and body, with caution - in the periorbital zone. Instant visible result with increasing effect within a week. Recommended course: 3-5 treatments. Follow us on



powerfully stimulate metabolic processes in cells, restore their division, stimulate fibroblasts, thereby increasing the production of own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, self-healing occurs.  ; A unique biorevitalization procedure with polynucleotides for neck and decollete rejuvenation

They bind free radicals and protect against the effects of UV rays. It is possible to apply on any areas of the face and body, including the scalp. A more complex mechanism of action requires several days to show results. The effect is longer and more stable.

Recommended course

: 3-5 treatments. The peculiarity of preparations for biorepair is that they contain high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which provides an intercellular framework characteristic of healthy skin and is an element for the delivery of therapeutic components (for example, polynucleotides).

Thus, the effect of bioreparation lasts longer and may have a pathogenetic effect on diseases. Polynucleotides solve the problem at the level of deficiency mechanisms.

Hyaluronic acid injections for the face: application features

The drug

Mastelli Newest

from the official distributor of TOTISPHARMA GROUP is a unique drug. The two most effective products for biorevitalization and bioreparation are combined in one syringe for intradermal skin saturation. The synergy of two natural components - polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid – proven effective regenerates mature skin. The product maintains healthy and young skin by stimulating fibroblasts, increasing the production of the intercellular matrix of the dermis, activating collagen synthesis, deep moisturizing and restoring turgor.  

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Patients with deep wrinkles and folds, ptosis, reduced turgor and elasticity, aging skin.

Recommended course:

4-6 treatments at 2-3 week intervals. After 6-12 months, repeat the course: dose -1 syringe per 1 procedure.


Injection techniques: fan, linear, reinforcement.

A unique combination of polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid will deeply moisturize the skin, provide regeneration and recoveryafter dermatological diseases, 


, prevent and help correct age-related changes that are already there. Recovery after insolation with the combination of PDRN and HAC in Mastelli Newest from the TOTISPHARMA GROUP portfolio is ideal for skin care in the summer. More interesting stuff on our YouTube channel:

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