Treatment of algomenorrhea often becomes not just a whim of a patient who does not want to endure discomfort during menstruation, but an urgent need. Manifestations of pain and general malaise can become so severe that it deprives a woman of the opportunity to go to work, significantly worsens her quality of life. The tactics of treating algomenorrhea is chosen based on whether it is a primary manifestation of dysfunction or secondary, caused by psycho-emotional experiences, congenital pathology of the uterus, hormonal failure or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Symptoms that influence the choice of treatment for algodysmenorrhea

Painful menstruation, which manifests itself in the first days with general malaise and severe pain. They can be caused by both congenital structural features of the female genital organs, and hormonal abnormalities, and neuropsychological characteristics of the patient, as well as difficult childbirth, abortion, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, provoked by surgical interventions and internal diseases.

Each of the causes that can cause painful menstruation in a woman has its own symptoms, so the treatment of algomenorrhea should begin with a detailed history of the patient and the study of symptoms that can prompt the doctor the correct tactics of therapy. Signs of the disease may be as follows:

symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea:

  • vegetative-vascular disorders,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • emotional-psychological disorders,
  • pain syndrome;

symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea:

  • severe pain syndrome,
  • deterioration of general condition simultaneously with the onset of menstruation or several hours before,
  • manifestation of signs of diseases of the pelvic organs against the background of the onset of menstruation.

The treatment of algomenorrhea should be selected taking into account the main symptoms of the disease, and one of the most important positions in the chosen method should be the removal of pain.

Symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea: choice of therapy

Primary algomenorrhea is often manifested primarily by the fact that the patient complains of a perversion of taste and smell perception, becomes very touchy, irritable, drowsy, and there is a tendency to overeat.

On the part of the vegetative-vascular system, algodismenorrhea can be manifested by subfebrile temperatures, headaches, vomiting, frequent urination and bloating, numbness of the extremities, tachycardia, chills, dry mouth.

Metabolic disorders are accompanied by skin itching, pain in the joints, a feeling of general weakness and buckling of the legs.

Analgesics and antispasmodics are recommended for patients, and if they do not work, oral contraceptives are recommended. A good effect is given by phonophoresis procedures with sodium bromide or magnesium sulfate, reflexology. If necessary, sedatives are prescribed and consultations with a psychologist on relaxation techniques are recommended.

Symptoms of secondary algomenorrhea: treatment tactics

Secondary algodysmenorrhea often has such a feature as the superposition of pain and vegetative-vascular symptoms on the manifestations of the underlying disease, which provokes painful menstruation. The pain can radiate to the lower back, groin, rectum. The general condition may not cause any particular complaints in the patient, but may disturb with fainting, heart attacks and severe cramping pains, in which analgesics do not even help. Symptoms of algomenorrhea may worsen over time.

In the treatment of algomenorrhea, combined drugs with analgesic and antispasmodic effects are used, a combination with physiotherapeutic procedures gives a good effect. Drugs that inhibit prostaglandin synthetase are recommended.

Thus, the prognosis for the treatment of algomenorrhea is favorable, depending on the characteristics and type of the disease. Along with pharmacotherapy, the patient is advised to normalize her diet and daily routine, eliminate stress factors and lack of sleep, stop smoking and maintain reasonable physical activity.

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