Inflammation of the vessel wall is the main pathogenetic mechanism of all skin vasculitis. Angiitis (vasculitis) is a heterogeneous group of diseases, and their cause can be both polyetiological and monopathogenetic. Some mechanisms for the development of angiitis are assumed, which consist of the formation of pathogenic immune complexes that are deposited in the walls of blood vessels, the formation of autoantibodies to vascular endothelial cells and to the cytoplasm. This promotes a cellular molecular immune response that triggers the formation of adhesion molecules and cytokines. After that, a granuloma is formed, the protective function of the endothelium against toxins, tumors and infectious agents is disrupted.

What causes and factors provoke the development of angiitis?

The study of molecular mechanisms that regulate the ratio between infiltrating and circulating cells in the vessel wall and endotheliocytes themselves makes it possible to consider and study the problem of damage to the vessel wall in angiitis in more detail.

It is assumed that angiitis can be triggered by various factors. Of particular importance are foci of chronic infection. Streptococci play an important role.

In confirmation of the role of streptococcus in patients with angiitis, hemolytic streptococcus was isolated from the focus of chronic infection, high titers of antistreptolysin – O and circulation of antibodies against streptococcus in the blood, as well as positive skin tests with streptococcal antigen.

Angiitis can be caused by:

  • chronic intoxications;
  • endocrine system dysfunction (hypercorticism, diabetes mellitus);
  • photosensitization;
  • lymphostasis;
  • prolonged upright position (standing on one's feet);
  • Sudden changes in ambient temperature.

What is the role of streptococcus in the development of angiitis?

The main reason for the provocation of streptococcal destruction of the vessel wall is the presence of common antigens in bacteria with the components of the vascular wall, which is the reason for the development of a cross-reaction of streptococcal sensitized lymphocytes on the inner surface of the vessel wall. After what medical manipulations angiitis can develop, read further on Among viral infections, hepatitis C and B viruses, parvoviruses and cytomegaloviruses are common causes of angiitis.

Angiitis may develop after vaccination or specific desensitization. Drug hypersensitivity can also lead to angiitis.

It is believed that drug sensitivity can cause not only benign angiitis, but also systemic necrotizing angiitis.  

Theory of immune genesis of angiitis. Varieties of angiitis

Recently, the theory of angiitis immunocomplex genesis has become widespread, which connects their occurrence with the effect of immune complexes in the blood on the vessel wall. The role of an antigen is probably one or another microbial agent, its own modified protein, a medicinal substance, the corresponding immunoglobulin acts as an antibody.


Immune complexes that circulate in the blood exclude or inhibit their natural elimination. Currently, there are about 50 nosological forms of the angiitis group, among which superficial and deep angiitis are distinguished.  Most clinicians distinguish and classify angiitis by morphological skin lesions, as well as by the depth of its lesion.

Thus, there are many reasons for the development of angiitis, so it is important to keep the immune system in good shape, eliminate foci of chronic infection and contact a dermatologist at the first rashes or redness to rule out or confirm the diagnosis of angiitis with subsequent treatment.

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