Какие причины развития акне могут усугублять течение заболевания

Acne, or acne inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, which ranks eighth in the world structure of morbidity. Most often registered in Western Europe, North and Latin America. Specifically, in the US, this problem occurs in approximately 85% of people aged 12 to 25 years, and at the age of 40, the incidence of acne is 26% in women and 12% in men. Acne affects all age groups and is classified accordingly into  neonatal, childhood, adolescent and adult acne. Find out in the article on estet-portal.com what are the leading factors in the development of acne and affect the severity of the disease


Pathogeny of acne development

increased sebum formation; hyperkeratinization of the infundibular part of the follicle; inflammation;

    Infection caused by Cutibacterium acnes (gram-positive facultative anaerobes that live deep inside the follicles and in the pores of the skin).
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! When looking at a person, we first of all pay attention to the face, so there are problems in forming the first impression. Adolescents and adults with acne have  high rates of anxietylow self-esteem and depression compared to those who do not have this problem.

Relationship between sex hormone levels and acne progression

Severely affected adults have much higher unemployment rates than age-matched non-acne groups. The deterioration in the quality of life in patients with acne equates to disorders in asthma, epilepsy or arthritis.

Risk factors for acne  Risk factors for acne



rare genetic conditions (Apert syndrome);

endocrine disorders, in particular polycystic ovary syndrome; metabolic syndrome.

  • Acne has a high chance of inheriting − in the general population are the cause of the disease in 81% of cases. Unlike bizygotic twins, monozygotic − the level of sebum secretion and the presence of acne are almost identical, therefore 
  • heredity is one of the main causes of acne
  • .


Acne diagnosis is based on clinical examination. The primary lesions are 

 (closed or open) and 

inflammatory elementsMy default image (papules, pustules and nodules).

They are mainly localized in areas 

where there are many sebaceous glands

: on the face, upper back, chest, shoulders. Secondary changes include 

scarring, hyperpigmentation or erythema which also affects treatment. The severity of acne manifestations is very variable: from mild forms to severe fulminant disease with systemic symptoms − fever, arthralgia, lytic bone damage.

When collecting an anamnesis, you need to find out if  

heredity is burdened, pay attention to the symptoms and signs of hyperandrogenism or other endocrine disorders, in particular excess of cortisol and growth hormone


Hormonal therapy and antibiotics in the treatment of acne For example, menstrual irregularities and hirsutism are indicative of polycystic ovary syndrome, so

however, the sudden onset of acne can be a sign of a gonadal tumor.

Hormonal effects as a cause of acne In patients with atypical, very severe or resistant to therapy manifestations, especially with sudden onset

, as well as in women with signs of androgen excess, laboratory and instrumental studies should be performed.

In case of polycystic ovary syndrome

 it is necessary to determine total and free testosterone in the blood serum.

If adrenal hyperplasia is suspected determine the content:

thyrotropin; cortisol;

dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; 17-hydroxyprogesterone.


Treatment tactics depend on the type of damage, its severity and localization. First of all, it is necessary to 

analyze the skin care procedure
: the frequency of washing, the choice of products for cleaning and moisturizing. Most patients are advised 

to avoid scrubs, astringents and other irritating productsMy default image, wash twice a day using gentle cleansers for sensitive skin.

All about the use of systemic retinoids in the treatment of acne

The patient should understand that the initial period of acne treatment until clinical improvement is sometimes 8-12 weeks, and secondary pigmentary changes or erythema completely disappear after a few months. To prevent further darkening of hyperpigmentation, it is advisable to use sunscreen


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