Everyone has the right to make a mistake, and surgeons – not an exception. In some cases, the cause of a medical error may be insufficient qualifications or experience of the doctor, and sometimes something goes wrong during the operation itself, and the surgeon makes a mistake without realizing it. In any case, a patient who is dissatisfied with the result of his own operation, in most cases, seeks help from another specialist. And correcting the mistakes of colleagues is often quite difficult. What are the mistakes of plastic surgeons that doctors have to correct and how to do it right – read on estet-portal.com.

Mistakes of plastic surgeons that their colleagues have to correct

In plastic surgery, mistakes can be made in any type of surgery that is performed.

The more technically complex the operation, the higher the risk that the doctor may make a mistake during the intervention.

The most common mistakes made by plastic surgeons:

1. Mistakes made by plastic surgeons when performing rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty – this is one of the most difficult, but at the same time the most popular surgical interventions among patients. A common mistake that surgeons make – This is an excessive removal of the cartilage and bone tissues of the nose. A typical example – This is the nose of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Reconstruction of the "failed" The nose is performed by building it up with the help of implants. It can be either an artificial silicone implant or cartilage tissue from other parts of the patient's body, most often – from the ear. The second serious mistake in rhinoplasty – this is an immoderate excision of the skin inside and outside the wings of the nose. As a result of such an error, rough scars are formed, and the patient's nasal breathing is disturbed.


2. Mistakes made by plastic surgeons when performing mammoplasty

Mistakes made in the process of performing breast plastic surgery are most often associated with the wrong selection of implants. Only an experienced surgeon with an innate talent can almost perfectly select an implant and correctly carry out the procedure for its installation. The result of an improperly selected implant is often capsular contracture – scar tissue that forms around the implant. The risk of contracture can be reduced by using implants that have a textured surface. If a mistake was made – the implant must be removed, and only after a while a new one can be installed.


3. Mistakes made by plastic surgeons when performing blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty – this is one of the most "jewelry" plastic surgeries. If the operating surgeon slightly tightens the skin of the lower eyelid – the patient develops his eversion, which is a serious ophthalmological problem. And excessive removal of the skin on the upper eyelid leads to the formation of bulging eyes. Such problems are solved with the help of skin graft transplantation and endoscopic midface lift.


4. Mistakes made by plastic surgeons when performing liposuction

In such a case as liposuction, insufficient removal of subcutaneous fat cannot be called a gross medical error. It is much worse when the surgeon removes excess fat, because a person needs adipose tissue, first of all, to protect the body. This error can be corrected by lipofilling – transplantation of adipose tissue from other parts of the body, which helps to smooth out defects resulting from a medical error.


5. Mistakes made by plastic surgeons when performing a facelift

Mistakes that can be made during a facelift are perhaps the most serious and dangerous in plastic surgery. Inexperienced surgeons during an endoscopic facelift may touch the branches of the facial nerve, as a result of which the patient's face is distorted, drooping of the corners of the mouth, eyelid ptosis and loss of sensation may be observed. If a small nerve was affected during the operation – in most cases, it recovers on its own after a while. To speed up this process, medications and physiotherapy can be recommended to the patient. If multiple branches of the nerve were affected – it is almost impossible to cure such a condition.


Unfortunately, many surgeons have to correct the mistakes of their colleagues. Especially often this "sin" young and inexperienced professionals who set low prices for their operations in order to attract customers.

It is important for doctors to remember that any mistake made by a plastic surgeon can cause serious health problems for the patient.

Hard work on yourself, honing your skills and learning from more experienced colleagues – this is the best way to avoid possible mistakes in plastic surgery.

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