Лазерное омоложение влагалища: риски и преимущества

Laser vaginal rejuvenation can help relieve menopausal problems such as dryness, pain and sexual dysfunction, but the safety of this method is not clear, the authors of a small study suggest that serious complications may occur, including scarring and injury due to perforation.

In the article estet-portal.com you can get acquainted in detail with clinical cases of unsuccessful outcome of laser vaginal rejuvenation and the rationale of the US Food and Drug Administration regarding the prohibition of using the method in vulvovaginal atrophy.

Laser vaginal rejuvenation for vulvovaginal atrophy: pros and cons

The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved laser vaginal rejuvenation for vulvovaginal atrophy, a condition that often accompanies menopause and may include symptoms such as vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and urinary incontinence.

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However, this laser treatment is approved for other gynecological and dermatological conditions, and the present study examines the clinical cases of four women when the method was used to correct vaginal atrophy.

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Complications of laser vaginal rejuvenation: clinical cases

In all four cases, sexual intercourse became more painful after laser treatment than before.

Women also reported multiple complications, including severe vaginal tears, bleeding, and scar tissue that required additional treatment according to the report:

  1. In current case studies, one woman presented to the emergency department with severe vaginal bleeding after her first intercourse after three laser treatments. She had two vaginal lacerations; a few months later she complained of severe vaginal pain, dryness and an inability to have sexual intercourse.

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2. The second woman had three sessions of treatment for painful intercourse, but then the sex became more painful. In the months following the laser treatment, she experienced a progressive decline in her sex life with a decline in libido and less frequent and intense orgasms.

3. A third woman also received laser treatment for painful intercourse and subsequently found sex unbearable as well. She had severe vaginal dryness and itching and was later diagnosed with fibrosis of the vaginal wall.

4. For the last woman, sex became somewhat painful after laser procedures. She had spasms, scarring, and tension in her pelvic floor muscles.

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Laser vaginal rejuvenation: still open

"There are concerns about treatment failure, misdiagnosis, bleeding, worsening of symptoms after laser treatment, although these are extremely rare," — says senior author at the Southern California Sexual Health Center in Newport Beach, Dr. Michael Krichman.

Because long-term studies of the role of lasers in vaginal atrophy have not yet been completed, "the exact side effects of lasers do remain to be determined.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a consumer warning emphasizing that laser vaginal rejuvenation is not approved for vaginal cosmetic procedures or for the treatment of atrophy and emphasized that the safety and efficacy of these procedures has not been proven.

According to Krichman, some previous studies show that vaginal laser treatment is safe, but the potential for repeat procedures and long-term results are not yet known.
The problem is that there is not enough adequate data on long-term safety, efficacy, clinical outcomes and short-term and long-term adverse events of laser vaginal rejuvenation.

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