Мезотерапия: правила проведения и возможные проблемы

Mesotherapy – this is one of the most favorite procedures, both by cosmetologists and by visitors to cosmetology clinics. Ten years ago, this procedure inspired more fear than interest, and doctors had to long and convincingly tell "advanced" users about its merits and benefits. At the same time, cosmetologists themselves did not fully believe in the success of this method due to insufficient experience in the application and lack of scientific justification, to which medical professionals are so accustomed.

Two forces: interest in new technology and fear of the unknown, opposed each other and in each case won something of their own.

- When did you first try this procedure? What are your feelings? After all, the knowledge about this method was more theoretical than practical.

- I remember my first experience in mesotherapy: it was the use of hofitol for facial rejuvenation. At the first seminar on mesotherapy, we were told that the papular technique of introducing 10 ml of hofitol into the face and neck area 2 times a week will create an amazing effect. At the same time, a complete pharmacological rationale for the rejuvenating effect of this cocktail was presented. Very encouraged by this information, I rushed home and invited my mother to try this amazing method for herself. It was at this time that she was preparing a report that she was supposed to read at the international congress on cardiology in Canada, representing Ukraine there. It was a very responsible and touching event. For the first time, the world community of cardiologists had to see a professor from Kyiv, who represented the achievements of the country.

Of course, I really wanted my mother to look not just great, but amazing. I talked for a long time about what an interesting method appeared in cosmetology, convincing with theoretical data: Pistor's reflex theory, Balesteros' energy theory, Bicheron's theory, Multedo's circulation theory and Mrzhen's hypothesis. In the end, my mother gave in, and we began the miraculous procedure.

If we exclude the moment that the procedure was incredibly painful (on the one hand, the papular technique, on the other hand, the drug hofitol itself causes discomfort, and on the third – the volume of the injected drug – 10 ml – is a lot on the face area), but everything went without complications.

When we met four days later for the next session, I couldn't believe my eyes. Mom looked fantastic! Good complexion, filled with tissue turgor, lifting effect – everything was exactly as promised. "Is it really such an effective method?! If from one procedure such a result, then what will happen after the end of the course?" – my joy knew no bounds.

We did procedure after procedure and everything went very well, incrementally. But at one moment the phone rang and my mother said that she would not do this procedure again.

"Don't be offended, but all these newfangled methods are not for me," my mother said.

Leaving all my affairs, I went to her. On the way, I went over in my memory everything that we had done lately. Nothing new except mesotherapy. We almost finished the course that I learned at the seminar, there were still three procedures left to do, and I was sorry to interrupt it, especially since the result was obvious on my face!

When I met my mother, the reason for her refusal to continue mesotherapy became clear to me.

"Excuse me, please, but I have to fly away in three days, and I'm in this condition." – Mom spread her hands and pointed to her face. The situation was catastrophic. Incredible beauty was replaced by spilled brownish-yellow bruises.

"Incredible! And how long ago did they appear? But don't worry, bodyaga and troxavasin will save us,"– I commented, trying to somehow smooth this situation.

Thanks to masks, massages and gels, I managed to reduce bruising and relieve swelling. Although, I will tell you frankly, the speech of the Ukrainian delegation with representatives from Kyiv was in doubt.

Is this really how such valuable experience was obtained? All empirically based on your own mistakes?

It didn't work any other way. After all, at that time, all doctors had too little practical experience and were afraid to share information about their failures.

This is the price I learned why mesotherapy – this is the method of administration of the drug to be carried out:

- Rarely, once a week is enough, because mesotherapy stimulates the reparative capabilities of the skin, which are caused by microdamage. M. Pisotr said that skin microdamage stimulates the production of fibroblasts, which begin to intensively produce and secrete growth factors into the surrounding tissues, synthesize molecules that form the basis of the extracellular matrix. This process is completed by the compaction of the fibrillar structures of the skin and the germination of capillaries. These processes lead to improved hydration and vascularization of the skin.

- Small doses. Thanks to the mesotherapy method, we create a depot of the drug in the right place, which is consumed according to the needs of the skin. With the introduction of large doses, the doctor cannot take into account the possible side effects of the drug itself. This can lead to persistent post-injection erythema, bruising, and as a consequence – hyperpigmentation. With deeper administration of large doses of the drug, such as trak or phosphatidylcholine, necrosis may develop.

Today it is difficult to imagine our life without mesotherapy. After all, a competent mesotherapist will help deal with such complex problems as rejuvenation, lifting, elimination of pigmentation and excess weight, cellulite, stretch marks, swelling, dilated capillaries, hair loss. Mesotherapy is used not only in Aesthetic Medicine, but also in the treatment of a number of diseases, as a very effective method of administering medicines.

Look for your mesotherapist! 


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