Открыта специфическая иммунотерапия при сахарном диабете 1 типа. Часть1

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1) - a chronic autoimmune disease caused by damage and destruction of insulin-producing B-cells of the pancreas? the main hormone that regulates the ability of body cells to absorb glucose. The lack of insulin production makes the body not only dependent on its exogenous intake, but also entails the risk of imminent death in the event of a gross violation of blood glucose control. specific immunotherapy in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

    Prevalence of type 1 diabetes
  • Immune causes of type 1 diabetes
  • Specific Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
  • Type 1 Prevalence of type 1 diabetes
Among Americans, diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases that affects the child population and is the second most common after asthma.

About 1-1.5 million children suffer from type 1 diabetes.

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Despite all the introduced methods of modern monitoring of these patients and improving the maintenance of insulin levels in the body through its exogenous administration, in most patients with type 1 diabetes, it is not possible to achieve its physiological concentration, which leads to an increased risk of complications and premature death. One such study analyzed the premature mortality of men and women in a Scottish population of type 1 diabetics.
Those patients who were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes by the age of 10 had premature mortality 14.2 and 17.7 years earlier, and if the disease was detected before the age of 20, this figure was 11 and 13

years respectively.

Immune causes of type 1 diabetes

According to modern concepts, genetically induced type 1 diabetes mellitus develops from an asymptomatic veiled stage to its transformation into a clinical state with obvious manifestations of hyperglycemia. Thus, the first stage is characterized by an increased level of autoantibodies, but the second stage is characterized by ? clinical? caused by dysglycemia.

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The early stage of the clinical manifestation of type 1 diabetes coincides with metabolic disorders caused by increased blood glucose levels, however, this does not lead to significant metabolic changes and does not affect fluctuations in glycated hemoglobin,

This gives reason not to use insulin as an additional remedy. However, these immunological and metabolic features are associated with a high risk of developing the clinical stage of type 1 diabetes mellitus with decompensation of carbohydrate metabolism and should be taken as a negative marker of the inevitable clinical development of the disease. Found hyperglycemia in the case of sustainable existence requires constant use of exogenous insulin for its treatment.

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is there a link Specific immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes Recently, there have been reports of the successful use of immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies capable of blocking the CD3 Fc receptor (a multiprotein complex on the surface of T-lymphocytes) - the main culprit in the development of autoimmune aggression directed at pancreatic B-cells.

There are studies that show that the use of teplizumab in patients with established type 1 diabetes mellitus significantly inhibits the decrease in the activity of pancreatic β-cells, thus postponing the development of a detailed clinical picture of the disease to 7 years after its discovery. The drug modifies the receptor for CD8 + T-lymphocytes, which are considered important effector cells that destroy the B-cells of the pancreas.

These studies support the use of specific immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus even before the clinical picture develops, which significantly affects both the life expectancy of these patients and the risks of complications in this pathology.

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