If a patient with skin problems at a dermatologist's appointment complains of headaches, nausea and general weakness, there is reason to assume that he has a parasitic dermatosis. The intensity of skin lesions can be different - depending on the type of parasites, accompanied by pain, burning and itching. Toxins released by parasites in the process of life sometimes lead to vomiting, weakness, convulsions and even loss of consciousness in a patient, so it is very important to correctly diagnose parasitic dermatosis and start its treatment in a timely manner. Read more about parasitic dermatoses on estet-portal.com.

Characteristic features of parasites that cause parasitic dermatoses

Depending on the habitat of parasites in the host organism, they are divided into endo- and ectoparasites. Parasites can be permanent or temporary. There are also pseudo-parasites, or false parasites - free-living forms that accidentally enter the body and temporarily reside in it, feed at its expense.

A distinctive feature of parasites is their maximum adaptability to the host organism and the special conditions of existence, notes estet-portal.com. In the process of evolutionary changes, they have developed many adaptations to specific conditions and a special way of life.

The most common types of parasitic dermatoses:

  • pediculosis;
  • scabies;
  • demodectic mange.

Demodicosis is one of the most common parasitic dermatoses

osobennosti-simptomov-i-lecheniya-parazitarnykh-dermatozovDemodecosis is a common parasitic dermatosis in humans and animals caused by Demodex mites. Clinical manifestations of demodicosis are varied. There are skin and ocular manifestations of demodicosis. It is necessary to distinguish directly between demodicosis and diseases, the course of which is aggravated by the presence of ticks. For the choice of therapy for such a parasitic dermatosis as demodicosis, the clinical picture of the disease, knowledge of the forms of ticks, and accounting for their number are important.

To act directly on demodex mites, acaricidal agents are used, which include derivatives of the nitroimidazole group.

The most effective remedy is Trichopolum, used for 4 to 6 weeks. Ornidazole is also used in cycles of 8 to 10 days. It is important for the patient to explain the causes of demodicosis and the rules for handling the skin of the face.

External therapy includes vasoconstrictor ointments containing antibiotics - mupirocin, erythromycin, fusidin, tetracycline ointment, antihistamines, steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs containing sulfur, naftalan, metronidazole, 20% benzyl benzoate solution, vitamin A derivatives. For therapy in the periorbital region, alcohol-ether mixtures, 3-5% trichopolum cream, sodium sulfapyridazine, etc. are used.

Scabies is a common type of parasitic dermatoses

osobennosti-simptomov-i-lecheniya-parazitarnykh-dermatozovScabies is the most common parasitic dermatosis of the human skin, the causative agent of which is the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The source of infection with this disease is a sick person, while a direct and indirect route of transmission of the pathogen is possible. Itching of the skin is caused by the movement of the tick, most active in the evening. At the same time, the skin and nerve endings are irritated not only by the tick itself, but by the products of its vital activity, excrement and saliva.

The diagnostic criterion for the diagnosis is the presence of scabies, papules, vesicles. The most typical lesions in the form of passages, serous crusts, papules, vesicles appear in the area of ​​the hands, elbow joints, on the abdomen, buttocks, mammary glands, thighs.

There are also erased forms of scabies, which lead to misdiagnosis and are often regarded as allergic dermatosis.

The clinical picture of scabies is not only the above-described rashes, erosions, hemorrhagic crusts, excoriations, erythematous-infiltrative spots are possible. Treatment of the disease is carried out with several drugs: spregal, 20% benzyl benzoate, 20% or 33% sulfuric ointment, medifox. Features of such parasitic dermatosis as pediculosis, read in our next article.

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