Development of acne – the result of a malfunction in the sebaceous glands, the main function of which is the production of sebum (sebum) to protect the skin. The complexity of the medical and socio-psychological problem of acne is explained by the tendency of acne to a chronic course, frequent relapses and its resistance to therapy. For the successful treatment of acne, it is necessary to choose the right complex of drugs that will normalize the production of sebum, eliminate comedones and other signs of problem skin, narrow pores, suppress inflammation, even out the color and structure of the skin. It is for this purpose that an acne treatment program based on carboxytherapy.

What factors cause acne?

To choose an effective acne treatment plan, it is necessary to analyze the influence of various factors on the development of acne in order to neutralize their effects during therapy. These include:

  1. Stress Factor

During stress, the pituitary gland triggers the production of male hormones androgens, which increase the production of sebum. The highest frequency of psychoemotional disorders is observed in II-III severity of acne. At the same time, there is an inverse relationship between the severity of psychoemotional disorders and the severity and severity of the disease.

  1. Hormonal Status Factor

The following hormones affect the production of sebum: free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, as well as progesterone, which has androgenic and antiestrogenic effects on the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, an increased manifestation of acne is observed 10-14 days before menstruation. Increased sensitivity of sebaceous gland cells to androgens also affects the severity of acne.

In order to choose an effective acne treatment plan, it is necessary to analyze the influence of various factors on the development of acne in order to neutralize their effects during therapy.

  1. Zinc Deficiency Factor

Increased secretion of sebum is also associated with a lack of zinc in the body, which helps to normalize the ratio of hormones by reducing the activity of 5α-reductase.


  1. Other factors

Also, the deterioration of the skin condition in acne can be associated with the following factors: pathology of lipid metabolism, mechanical procedures (independent "manual cleansing", too frequent exfoliation), unbalanced nutrition, cosmetic ingredients that cause skin irritation and blockage of pores.

Next we will look at:

  • acne pathogenesis;
  • acne treatment plan.

The mechanism of the onset and course of the disease: the pathogenesis and severity of acne

It is customary to distinguish three main components of the pathogenesis of acne:

  1. Sebum hypersecretion:

The cause of increased sebum production may be high levels of androgens and/or increased density of sebocyte receptors. As you know, the T-zone (chin, wings of the nose, forehead) is rich in sebaceous glands.

  1. Follicular hyperkeratosis

Under normal conditions, the keratinization of the epithelial cells of the funnel of the follicle proceeds slowly, which allows the horny scales, together with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, to come to the surface of the skin. However, if the processes of keratinization are accelerated, sebaceous-horn plugs (microcomedones) are formed in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Over time, a cystic cavity forms in the lower part of the follicle, and clinical signs of acne begin to appear.

  1. Activation of bacterial flora and inflammation

Despite the fact that bacteria are not the primary cause of acne, blockage of the hair follicle orifice and accumulation of sebum in it create a favorable environment for the reproduction of Propionobacterium acnes. In the process of life, these bacteria secrete proteolytic enzymes that damage the epithelium. The inflammatory reaction is a consequence of the entry of the contents of the follicle into the dermis as a result of impaired permeability of the epithelium.

Cook Acne Severity:

  • mild (I): presence of less than 10 papulopustular elements on the skin of the face;
  • medium (II): presence of 10-40 papulopustular elements on the skin of the face and/or body;
  • severe and very severe (III-IV): more than 40 papulopustular elements, as well as conglobate and cystic acne.


Treatment of acne of varying severity based on carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy based acne treatment plan consists of the following steps:

  • purification and detoxification;
  • keratolytic therapy;
  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • restoration of water-lipid balance.

After examining the patient, determining the severity of acne, collecting information about the state of health, the doctor selects the appropriate course of treatment.

For the treatment of acne of various degrees, Medicare has developed treatment plans based on non-invasive carboxytherapy in combination with peels, retinoids and benzoyl peroxide.

Medicare offers the following algorithm for the pathogenetic treatment of acne based on carboxytherapy:

  1. Combination of peelings and carboxytherapy (with I-II severity).

Combination of acne peeling (ACNE STOP PEEL) and non-invasive carboxytherapy is recommended as a treatment for acne and post-acne scarring. Restoration of cellular immunity in combination with carboxytherapy ensures the normalization of the sebaceous glands, providing the following actions:

  • cleansing;
  • exfoliating;
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • moisturizing;
  • tonic;
  • regenerating.
  1. Combination of retinoids and carboxytherapy (with I-II severity).

Topical retinoids affect the processes of keratinization, reduce sebum secretion, increase the proliferation of epithelial cells and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

This advanced program is designed to help eliminate acne and congestion. It provides not only the elimination of acne, but neutralizes the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, the results of therapy are stored for a long time.

  1. Combination of benzoyl peroxide and carboxytherapy (with I-IV severity).

Complete care program for complete restructuring of the skin and restoration of its natural protective functions, effective fight against acne of 2-4 degrees. The treatment is based on the method of non-invasive carboxytherapy in combination with benzoyl peroxide: it completely heals the cellular environment, promotes the growth of healthy cells (proliferation) by desquamation and removal of toxins.

To learn more about the features of the carboxytherapy acne treatment plans described above, possible contraindications and exact therapy protocols, and to purchase all necessary products – peels, retinoids, preparations for non-invasive carboxytherapy – contact the manufacturer – Medicare. Also, stay tuned to our updates to register for regular seminars and trainings offered by Medicare.

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