At the peak of interest of aesthetic medicine specialists – the use of autologous dermal fibroblasts in anti-aging procedures. Especially for readers of about the practical experience of using & nbsp; neofibrolifting  - a procedure that allows you to optimize both the costs of working with autodermal fibroblasts and the results of their use, said & nbsp; Vladimir Tsepkolenko - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, General Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology "Virtus".

In the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology "Virtus" studies were conducted in which 30 patients aged 35 to 55 years took part. The reasons for their visit to the clinic were the signs of facial skin aging:

  • small wrinkles in the forehead, periorbital area,
  • nasolabial folds,
  • decrease in skin turgor,
  • Fuzzy facial contour.

The patients were divided into two groups: the first (control group) received traditional cosmetic care, the second — treatment according to the neofibrolifting system.

Each patient was assigned a series of pre- and post-treatment examinations, including:

  1. photo documentation (Canon PowerShotG10 camera);
  2. dermatoscopy (Medicam 800HD digital dermatoscope);
  3. corneometry (determination of skin moisture);
  4. Determination of transepidermal water loss (TEWL).
  5. ultrasound skin scan (DUB_USB);
  6. ultrasound Doppler study of blood flow ("Minimax_Doppler_K").

The results of the study (shown in graphs 1, 2, 3) showed a pronounced positive dynamics in the condition of the facial skin in patients who received treatment according to the neofibrolifting system, according to the following main indicators:

  • acoustic density,
  • humidity,
  • transepidermal water loss and volumetric flow rate.

In total, 157 patients aged 36 to 57 years were treated at the institute using neofibrolifting technology.




Clinical case

Patient V., aged 50, complained of an increase and deepening of mimic wrinkles in the oral, temporal and frontal zones.

Treatment: anti-aging correction of the skin condition was carried out using neofibrolifting according to the algorithm for its implementation with pronounced involutional skin changes:

a) 14 ml PRP injected;

b) 2 weeks later, fractional ablative photothermolysis and re-injection of PRP were performed;

c) in 2 weeks — introduced 14 ml of PRP; dermal  autofibroblasts — 14 million in 14 ml platelet-rich plasma.

Results: subjectively, according to the patient herself, and objectively, a decrease in the number of wrinkles, their depth and length, an increase in turgor and skin elasticity was noted (photo 1).



The use of the neofibrolifting technique allows achieving a high level of correction of the condition of the skin of the face with age-related changes of varying severity (photo 1, 2). It provides that the introduction of autologous fibroblasts precede the procedures:

  • PRP therapy that stimulates tissue revascularization;
  • fractional photothermolysis that provides controlled inflammation resulting in improved hemodynamics and skin metabolism.


The purpose of these procedures — create the most favorable conditions for engraftment and functioning of autofibroblasts. The possibility of culturing and growing more active forms of fibroblasts helps to reduce the dosage of cellular biomaterial without compromising clinical efficacy. Reducing the number of cells needed reduces the cost of the procedure, making it more affordable for the majority of patients who need it.

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