Injectable nose correction is becoming more and more popular aesthetic procedure every day. With its help, you can correct the shape of the nose, while not resorting to the help of plastic surgery. However, like any other invasive procedure, rhinoplasty has certain features and even dangers. In order to perform it as safely and efficiently as possible – it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for the procedure. Alexander Malakhov, a plastic surgeon, a specialist in injection techniques, a certified EMET Medicine trainer, shared his recommendations on the correct conduct of nose contouring with

Why do you think rhinoplasty has become so popular lately?

The psychology of people plays a very important role here: we want to achieve  your goals as easily as possible. Contour plastic gives an instant result, while the rehabilitation period after the procedure is very short – only 7-10 days until the swelling subsides. While in the context of surgical rhinoplasty, we are talking about the duration of the rehabilitation period for one to one and a half years for primary patients, and more than one and a half years for secondary patients. An important role is also played by the price of the procedure itself, its minimally invasiveness, the ability to easily remove or correct the results if hyaluronic acid-based fillers were used. If we talk about the security of the – most often it is presented as safer than surgery, and this is what our patients want to think.   In fact, this topic is very serious, and such things cannot be compared. But very often we underestimate the danger of various kinds of injections into the facial area, especially when specialists with not very deep knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of this area are involved.

What are the main features of rhinoplasty?

The main features of this procedure are that the nose, first of all, is not an aesthetic, but a functional unit, and many doctors do not remember this at all, and maybe even do not know.

We can get an outwardly beautiful nose, but worsen a person's breathing, and this patient will never be grateful to you.

It is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the blood supply of this zone, since it differs from the cheekbones, lips and other zones. The key to a safe procedure is knowing all the features that I tell doctors about at master classes and conferences: respiratory physiology, blood supply features, the choice of the drug, the layers of its administration, and much more. And finally, it is important for doctors to know what is beautiful and how to effectively help our patients and meet their expectations.

How can a rhinoplasty procedure affect a patient's breathing?

The rhinoplasty procedure may adversely affect the patient's breathing. It is almost impossible to positively affect nasal breathing with the help of fillers, with rare exceptions, but breathing can be disturbed quite easily. There are functionally significant areas: the area of ​​the external nasal valve, where air only enters the nasal cavity. When you take a breath – the cartilaginous structures of the tip of the nose resist the flow of air, the muscles of the wings of the nose are also involved in the work, and increase the ability of the structures to resist. If this does not happen, or the resistance force is not enough – the nostrils stick together, and the air simply cannot enter the nasal cavity, completely or partially. Fillers – this is an additional load, ballast, and this must be taken into account and taken into account in advance, otherwise, the phase of free passage of air can be easily disturbed. The second and important structure – internal nasal valve, area of ​​the lower 2/3 of the nose. If the air has passed the first "lock" in the form of an external valve, then there is still a chance to detain it and not allow it to pass freely in the area of ​​​​the internal one. All these points must be taken into account both in the correction with fillers and botulinum toxin, and in rhinoplasty. In plastic surgery, a beautiful nose – it is a must and free breathing nose. This rule also applies to contour plastic surgery, the main thing is that the opposite does not happen, and this is possible both with injection and surgical rhinoplasty, and you should not forget about this.

If the air has passed the first "lock" in the form of an external valve, then there is still a chance to detain it and not allow it to pass freely in the area of ​​​​the internal one. All these points must be taken into account both in the correction with fillers and botulinum toxin, and in rhinoplasty. In plastic surgery, a beautiful nose – it is a must and free breathing nose. This rule also applies to contour plastic surgery, the main thing is that the opposite does not happen, and this is possible both with injection and surgical rhinoplasty, and you should not forget about this.

If the air has passed the first "lock" in the form of an external valve, then there is still a chance to detain it and not allow it to pass freely in the area of ​​​​the internal one. All these points must be taken into account both in the correction with fillers and botulinum toxin, and in rhinoplasty. In plastic surgery, a beautiful nose – it is a must and free breathing nose. This rule also applies to contour plastic surgery, the main thing is that the opposite does not happen, and this is possible both with injection and surgical rhinoplasty, and you should not forget about this.

In plastic surgery, a beautiful nose – it is a must and free breathing nose. This rule also applies to contour plastic surgery, the main thing is that the opposite does not happen, and this is possible both with injection and surgical rhinoplasty, and you should not forget about this.

In plastic surgery, a beautiful nose – it is a must and free breathing nose. This rule also applies to contour plastic surgery, the main thing is that the opposite does not happen, and this is possible both with injection and surgical rhinoplasty, and you should not forget about this.

What criteria do you use to determine the need for lip correction, depending on the shape and size of the patient's nose?

All criteria for determining the harmony of the face and the need for its correction are quite relative. The first and most important for me are, of course, the wishes of the patients themselves. This is the basis of any correction. First of all, it is important for me to understand and hear from the patient what exactly does not suit him, and what he would like to get as a result. Further, it is important to determine its capabilities, and this concept includes the capabilities of tissues, techniques, financial capabilities, and so on. Only then can I find an effective way to solve the problem and help my patient. This path is different for everyone, because there is no universal approach, we are all different, and our requests and understanding of beauty are just as different.  

Are there any differences in the selection criteria for fillers for injectable rhinoplasty and for lip contouring?

Yes, of course, here you need to understand that the middle and lower thirds of the face are, of course, two very close areas, but they have their own anatomical features. Nose – this is a fairly elastic structure, and the fillers here must imitate exactly those tissues that underlie it, and these are bones, cartilage, SMAS and skin. Accordingly, fillers for nose correction are needed denser, but not too dense, so that this does not increase the risks during the procedure. At the same time, they should not be too soft to match the structure of the given zone. As for the lips – this is a very delicate area, and quite soft fillers are needed here, because sensual lips should be soft. And, accordingly, the choice of drugs for the correction of the nose and lips is definitely different. Which drugs do you prefer?

I prefer Neuramis fillers (Neyramis) from the company Medytox, the exclusive representative of which in Ukraine and the CIS countries is

. I like, first of all, that this is a wide range, which includes fillers of various densities, which makes it possible to effectively correct any area of ​​the face.

For nose correction, I choose Neuramis Deep, a medium-density filler, and I have the option of choosing a product with or without lidocaine.

For safety reasons, I prefer to use fillers without lidocaine, since the nose has certain blood supply characteristics, and here you need to be very attentive to the patient's sensations. The patient should immediately tell the specialist about the occurrence of the slightest pain during nose correction with fillers. To correct the lip area, I use a combination of Neuramis Deep and Neuramis Lidocaine fillers. With these preparations, I can achieve the most natural correction results. Why do you choose Neuramis for rhinoplasty?

Firstly, it meets all security criteria. This is hyaluronic acid – a product that we can influence and, if necessary, destroy. Neuramis fillers have a wide range, and the doctor can choose the drug that is most suitable for a particular case. For me, the Neuramis Deep filler is the most optimal, and I can choose a drug with or without lidocaine. As I said, given the features of the nose, I choose a filler without lidocaine, and I have this option. The second reason why I use Neuramis – because it's convenient. For me, the comfort of the procedure – this is also an important factor, since comfort also affects the final results. This filler integrates very well into the tissues, it is quite soft, it comes out of the syringe very evenly. I also really like the needles that come with the Neuramis syringe itself because they are sharp. This ensures the comfort of the procedure for the patient, because with sharp needles, injections almost always go unnoticed and as painlessly as possible. It is also comfortable for me, because with the help of these needles I can be the most accurate and predictable in my actions. And the third point, also important – is the price of the drug. With all its features, high quality and very great ease of use – the price matters, and for Neuramis fillers, presented in Ukraine and the CIS countries


, it is much lower than that of European and American counterparts.

because they are sharp. This ensures the comfort of the procedure for the patient, because with sharp needles, injections almost always go unnoticed and as painlessly as possible. It is also comfortable for me, because with the help of these needles I can be the most accurate and predictable in my actions. And the third point, also important – is the price of the drug. With all its features, high quality and very great ease of use – the price matters, and for Neuramis fillers, presented in Ukraine and the CIS countries Emet™, it is much lower than that of European and American counterparts. because they are sharp. This ensures the comfort of the procedure for the patient, because with sharp needles, injections almost always go unnoticed and as painlessly as possible. It is also comfortable for me, because with the help of these needles I can be the most accurate and predictable in my actions. And the third point, also important – is the price of the drug. With all its features, high quality and very great ease of use – the price matters, and for Neuramis fillers, presented in Ukraine and the CIS countries Emet™, it is much lower than that of European and American counterparts. It is also comfortable for me, because with the help of these needles I can be the most accurate and predictable in my actions. And the third point, also important – is the price of the drug. With all its features, high quality and very great ease of use – the price matters, and for Neuramis fillers, presented in Ukraine and the CIS countries Emet™, it is much lower than that of European and American counterparts. It is also comfortable for me, because with the help of these needles I can be the most accurate and predictable in my actions. And the third point, also important – is the price of the drug. With all its features, high quality and very great ease of use – the price matters, and for Neuramis fillers, presented in Ukraine and the CIS countries Emet™, it is much lower than that of European and American counterparts. How often should I repeat the rhinoplasty procedure? Based on my own experience, and considering that I have performed quite a lot of operations on patients who have previously had fillers in the nose area to correct its shape, I can say that they cost quite a long time. In some patients, they can be encapsulated and present in the tissues for more than a year, and maybe even longer, and it is not always possible to completely remove this filler. Therefore, I decided for myself that in plastic surgery, those patients who had previously undergone contour plastic – these are more difficult cases, because it is very difficult to assess the original shape of the nose, and, accordingly, it is more difficult to plan the course of the operation. And then these fillers need to be removed, and it is not always possible to do this completely with the help of hyaluronidase before surgery. And, unfortunately, it is impossible to say 100% that it will be possible to remove them during the operation, since they can be in different layers of tissues, impregnate them. This complicates everything, lengthens the operation itself, and ultimately reduces the predictability of the postoperative result. Therefore, it is very important to discuss with the patient the features of nose correction using fillers, find out if he plans further surgical treatment, help make an informed decision, and, of course, choose high-quality products that will help to carry out such procedures as safely and efficiently as possible.

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