Секреты сохранения мимики во время проведения контурной коррекции

The constant contraction of facial muscles leads over time to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Cosmetologists call such wrinkles dynamic.

Injection of botulinum toxin into the facial muscles that caused the appearance of wrinkles leads to persistent long-term relaxation of these muscles and, as a result, to the disappearance or reduction of wrinkles in the injection area, but in addition to eliminating wrinkles, a cosmetologist can thus significantly affect facial expressions patient.

Given that we receive 70% of information non-verbally, these manipulations can make the face amimic, which will form a negative attitude of the patient towards the procedure and the doctor.

Based on the fact that a new round of development of cosmetology is aimed at an individual approach, only a competent selection of means for contour correction and taking into account anatomical structures can significantly minimize wrinkles and preserve the patient's facial expressions.

Read more about this technique at estet-portal.com

Wrinkles that define contouring

The first wrinkles that may require contouring appear at the age of 18-25 and are associated with constant/excessive contraction of facial muscles.

Over time, when the skin begins to suffer from chronoaging, both superficial and deeper wrinkles appear, associated with dehydration of the epidermis, thinning of the skin.

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Wrinkles are distinguished by the place of formation:

  • forehead area wrinkles (horizontal "concentration" wrinkles);
  • corners of the eyes ("crow's feet");
  • in the nasolabial areas (wrinkles and folds of "sorrow");
  • perioral region (puppet wrinkles);
  • neck wrinklesi.

How to choose the right procedures for correcting the muscular morphotype of aging

Selection of tactics for contour correction

It is very important for the correct selection of tactics for contour correction to determine wrinkles by the depth of their location:

  • superficial, disappearing with skin tension;
  • deep skin wrinkles-furrows that lie in the deep layers of the skin.

According to the mechanism of formation, wrinkles are divided into:

  • mimic (associated with the activity of the muscles of the face and neck);
  • gravitational (due to tissue ptosis).

This plays a big role in drawing up an individual plan for complex contouring.

It is also customary to distinguish between static wrinkles that are visible on the face at rest, and dynamic ones that appear when talking, smilingke.

WOW-effect with contour correction and minimization of complications

The mechanism of wrinkle formation and the choice of preparation for contour correction

Muscle of forehead: lies vertically under the skin of the forehead, next to its mate. At the top, it has an almost immovable origin from the cranial aponeurosis.

The muscles contract simultaneously on both sides, do not move the aponeurosis, but easily raise the eyebrows, forming a row of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

The action of the frontal muscles is combined with the opening of the palpebral fissure, with raised eyebrows and a wrinkled forehead.

Therefore, deep horizontal wrinkles form in this area, for the contour correction of which it is recommended to use dermal fillers TEOSYAL RHA®; 2 companies TEOXANE.

This filler contains RHA patented firming hyaluronic acid, which fills deep wrinkles in this area and preserves the patient's natural facial expressions.

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The technology consists in the fact that the drug includes a combination of long chain hyaluronic acid, which provides tissue lifting, wrinkle filling and dermis strengthening, and between them is short chain hyaluronic acid, the dynamic characteristics of which completely repeat the mimic movements of facial tissues, avoiding this severe complication – "hypercorrection" syndrome.

Depth of injection TEOSYAL RHA® 2 − mid to deep dermis.

Due to the technical feasibility of submucosal administration of this drug and the rheological properties that allow preserving tissue dynamics, TEOSYAL RHA® 2 has a special purpose for increasing the volume of the lips and / or improving their contour.

The circular muscle of the eyes consists of three parts: orbital, secular and lacrimal.

With simultaneous contraction of the entire circular muscle, the eyelids close, the orbital part, contracting, presses on the eyelids, they are pressed against each other with force − it turns out squinting.

At the same time, wrinkles appear that diverge "along the radius", especially noticeable in the outer corner of the eye, called "laughter lines".

TEOSYAL RHA® was developed for contouring this area; 1, intended for superficial wrinkles.

The ratio of short and long chains in the structure of elastic hyaluronic acid provides a natural tightening effect of the orbital region, as well as a long-term result in filling wrinkles with minimal side effects and maintaining the dynamics of the periorbital region.

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Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat, loss of skin elasticity, the impact of mimic muscles lead to the formation of asymmetry and the formation of deep nasolabial folds.

In this case, the leading role is played by ptosis of the tissues of the middle and lower third of the face, which significantly aggravates the condition of this area and gives the face a sad and tired look.

Among the muscles here, the work of the inconstant muscle of laughter and the large zygomatic muscle, which starts from the zygomatic bone, stretches down and inward, is of great importance, is attached to the corner of the mouth, passing through the lower end and forming the nasolabial fold.

The drug of choice for contouring this area is TEOSYAL RHA® filler; 3, which is aimed at removing asymmetries, strengthening the skin, filling in pronounced folds, and thanks to its dynamic properties preserves facial expressions and avoids the formation of a "frozen" face. smiles.

Difficulties and techniques of contour correction in aged patients

Definitely an important marker of age-related changes in the middle third of the face is the loss of volume, with the formation of the image of a "tired face", skeletonization of the zygomatic anatomical zone, flattening of the "medial cheek".

Developed by TEOXANE – dynamic filler TEOSYAL RHA® 4 provides a long-term lifting effect in this area with a natural return of volume in areas of redistribution of fat structures.

The doctor must remember that the contour correction procedure is extremely complex, and only an integrated approach with preparations that are adapted to certain areas can provide the most natural and reliable result!


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