Acne nodules refers to a type of skin lesion that develops during puberty and can persist until about the age of forty, and sometimes longer. Most often, men suffer from spherical acne, and in them this disease can be aggravated by seborrhea.

The rash appears on any part of the body except the feet and hands, but the back and face are most commonly affected. The peculiarity of spherical acne is that they cause soreness of the skin and its tightness, and after opening the abscesses, skin lesions remain in the form of scars. 

Causes of the appearance of globular acne and their symptoms

According to experts, acne globulus is in some sense explained by a genetic predisposition, since it most often affects men with a certain set of chromosomes.

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The factors of skin lesions of nodular acne are considered

  • Neuro-psychic overstrain;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • diseases of the ovaries;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic infectious processes (cystitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis);
  • decreased overall immunity.

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At first, acne nodules look like firm, inflamed nodules under the skin, they are uneven and purplish-bluish in color, painful, and often merge into large conglomerates. After some time, the nodes soften with the release of thick purulent contents. Scars remain in place of healed spherical acne. Since the disease has a chronic course, in one area of ​​the skin lesion there can be simultaneously infiltrated nodes, and opened abscesses, and fresh scars.

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Methods for diagnosing and treatment of acne globular

It is easy to diagnose acne globulosus at the initial visual examination, but a bacteriological culture of the purulent discharge should be performed at the same time to determine the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics. According to the results of bakposev, antibiotic therapy is selected, including its form – sometimes an injection gives the best effect.

If necessary, a consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist is carried out, and after that, additions and adjustments are made to the course of treatment. Sometimes progesterone preparations, vitamin E supplementation may be recommended for women.

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For the care of inflamed skin, ichthyol, synthomycin ointments are used, abscesses are cleaned and treated with antibacterial agents. Careful adherence to a long course of treatment will avoid severe scarring of the skin.

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