Many people, having already not good health, manage to reduce it daily by drinking alcohol and being poisoned by tobacco smoke. Among the current ecology, they regularly inhale tobacco smoke. Yes, everyone knows that "it's bad." But why it is harmful and how it can affect the future family, few people think. Today, many couples have problems with sexual life and reproduction. How does smoking relate to such problems? Can tobacco smoke spoil life like that?

Tobacco smoke and sexual health are incompatible

Just like in case of chronic poisoning with alcohol and other narcotic substances, long-term poisoning of the body with tobacco smoke suppresses erection centers, secretion of male sex hormones, and reduces libido. At the same time, neurasthenia appears and the feeling of sexual satisfaction weakens. All this negatively affects the reproductive function. Based on these reasons, it becomes clear why there are many impotent men and frigid women among smokers. After all, after alcohol, the second reason for this is smoking.

The well-known sexologist L. Jacobson noted that 25% of impotence and frigidity are explained by alcohol consumption and inhalation of tobacco smoke. This confirms the fact that women who do not have an active sex life are forced to smoke to reduce sexual attraction to the male.

At the doctor's appointment for decreased libido, sexual dissatisfaction, ejaculation disorders, most of the patients are smokers.

Most competent doctors do not even start treating such problems until the patient quits smoking and drinking alcohol. After all, the main cause of such problems is chronic tobacco smoke poisoning. With the rejection of bad habits and adequate treatment  all symptoms go away.

The impact of smoking on the genetic code and heredity of a person

     The impact of smoking on a person is not limited to changes in internal organs. Nicotine and a radioactive isotope of polonium provoke testicular tissue atrophy. As a result, few spermatozoa are produced, most of which are already inactive and incapable of reproduction. It was found that when a man smokes up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day, his sperm motility decreases by one and a half times. This is enough for a sharp decrease in the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa. The resumption of sperm motility occurs after 2 months from the moment of quitting smoking.

It is known that human health is embedded in the genetic code. This code can be influenced by many mutagenic factors, most of which are found in tobacco smoke. About 3.5 million chemical compounds are known - mutagens, some of which are contained in nicotine tar. With such abilities, tobacco smoke gradually changes the human genetic code, leading it to irreversible mutations. A person does not feel and does not notice this, but then his children and grandchildren will definitely feel it.

Today, about 600 million people have physical and mental malformations. Another 200 million such people are born every year. According to WHO, chronic alcoholism and smoking are the causes of disability for 10% of all disabled children on the planet. Such an impact of smoking can, in a few decades, confuse the population.

Tobacco smoke elimination. How to quit smoking?

There are 3 stages of nicotine addiction.

1 stage – household non-systematic smoking up to 5 cigarettes a day, in which there is no nicotine withdrawal, there are no   or weakly expressed vegetative-vascular changes in the body.

Stage 2 – constant smoking of 5-15 cigarettes per day, in which there is already a physical dependence on tobacco. Increased resistance to nicotine and minor damage to internal organs, which are quickly restored when quitting smoking.

Stage 3 – intensive smoking 1-2 packs a day, which is accompanied by an increase in resistance to nicotine perception, complicated disorders in the body, physical dependence on tobacco. At the same time, there is a habit of smoking on an empty stomach, immediately after eating and in the middle of the night. At this stage, the internal organs are affected & nbsp; and nervous system.

In practice, most young people are in stage 1 or 2 and can easily stop smoking.

For older people, it is recommended to gradually quit smoking over the course of a month. At the same time, for the first 10 days, smoke the usual number of cigarettes only up to half of it, then daily reduce the number of cigarettes until they are completely absent.

When quitting smoking, you should spend a lot of time outdoors, include fresh fruits and vegetables fortified with vitamin C in your diet. You should also gradually start exercising.

Quitting smoking requires strength, patience, endurance, and most importantly, desire. In return, a person receives health for himself and his offspring, fresh appearance and breath, more time for personal affairs, as well as financial savings.

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