Возможные причины отеков лица у женщин и их влияние на результат процедуры

Before choosing anti-aging therapy for a patient, it is necessary to evaluate, among other factors, the presence of facial edema in a woman. They can be manifested by bags under the eyes or pre-skull edema, puffiness of the face, pastosity of the skin. Sometimes they indicate the presence of serious health problems, and the doctor should immediately refer the patient to a consultation with a therapist. But most often it is physiological swelling of soft tissues. Estet-portal.com reminds that the correct diagnosis of the possible cause of such edema will help to choose the optimal tactics for correcting age-related changes in the face.

Microcirculation disorders causing swelling of the face in women

Studies of recent years show that approximately every fourth woman suffers from atonic microcirculation disorders, which are expressed to a greater or lesser extent. When the tone of arterioles and capillaries decreases, the volume of blood in them increases and stagnation occurs. The cause of atony is very often hypertension, even in a mild degree.

Other reasons may be:
•    endocrine disorders;
•    frequent stress;
•    diseases of the stomach and intestines;
•    ovarian dysfunction;
•    chronic acne.

Stagnation of blood in the microcirculatory bed leads to puffiness of the face and pastosity of the skin, the complexion becomes dull, grayish.

Chronic atony of the capillaries of the dermis provokes dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the skin, accelerating its natural aging.

The result is the formation of characteristic rough nasolabial folds, vertical folds in the corners of the mouth, a floating oval of the face.

Features of soft tissues and adipose tissue that provoke swelling of the face in women

Chronic swelling of the soft tissues of the face often occurs with obesity, due to which microcirculation is disturbed. But even with a slight excess of the normal body mass index in some people, the volume of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the middle third of the face may increase, and a second chin may form. It is noticed that against the background of weight loss, microcirculation is restored and chronic edema disappears. It seems that a person who has lost weight has drastically rejuvenated.

Some areas of the face are particularly prone to fluid accumulation and microcirculation disorders. One of them – the periorbital region, where fatty tissue is loose, there are many capillaries, and the epidermis is thin. With an overstrain of the oculomotor and circular muscles, congestion quickly forms.

Sometimes chronic edema is confused with herniated eyelids. Therefore, before correcting them, an ophthalmologist should be consulted.

Chronic swelling in the eye area develops very quickly, in a few weeks, but can persist for several years. Often, local edema is formed in the cheekbone area (malar edema), its appearance is provoked by the gravitational displacement of the muscles of the middle third of the face and can be accelerated against the background of excess body weight.

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Troubles with swelling of the face in women after cosmetic procedures

The cause of facial swelling can be the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid without taking into account the characteristics of facial tissues. Typically, such fillers are used to form an artificial local edema that will fill the area with soft tissue deficiency. But if, if the patient has an atonic microcirculation disorder, a hyaluronic filler is introduced to increase the volume of the zygomatic region or fill the nasolabial folds, then the manifestations of puffiness may worsen. Soft tissues will move faster, the lymph flow will be disturbed, and the processes of deformation aging will accelerate.

Chronic swelling of the face may develop against the background of diffuse administration of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid preparations for the purpose of prophylaxis in young patients.

Injection of hyaluronic acid into the dermis will increase the dynamic moisture pool. But young skin usually does not suffer from its deficiency, and there is no point in compensating for hyaluronic acid. The result of overaccumulation of moisture is chronic swelling and early development of gravitational changes. At a young age, therapy aimed at restoring the barrier functions of the skin is more justified, rather than intradermal administration of glycosaminoglycans.

How to help with swelling of the face in women

Severe microcirculation disorders require the appointment of systemic venotonics, draining procedures. A good effect is demonstrated by the microcurrent effect: it has a pronounced draining effect and allows you to get a stable vasotonic result.

Preparations with various active forms of niacin have proven themselves in improving microcirculation, reducing vascular spasms, and correcting the rheological properties of lymph.

In the presence of any signs of swelling and pastosity of tissues, it is recommended to prescribe active drainage and correct microcirculation disorders. These measures will allow you to quickly correct the external signs of age-related changes and slow down the manifestations of aging.

Read also: What causes swelling of the face, and what to do with the phenomena of pastosity of the skin

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