11 симптомов, указывающих на серьезные проблемы с сердцем

Heart attack beats to kill. Such a failure can lead not only to disability, but also to death. And all because the heart is constantly in continuous work, supplying blood to the organs. As soon as there is a failure of blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium), coronary heart disease (CHD) occurs. Its manifestations can be different, ranging from angina pectoris and ending with a heart attack. And here are the results — sad: it is IHD that is one of the causes of death, and the zone of its defeat makes us recognize this disease as a problem of our century.

 However, it can be prevented in 30 days by paying attention to the signals that the heart sends. Even if some of them appear infrequently, this is already an occasion to think about the state of your internal "battery". The occurrence of more than five seizures per day indicates an urgent need to see a doctor.

 Fatigue indicates a lack of blood supply, and weakness — at risk of heart attack      

Let's start with those vague manifestations that are usually ignored, taking them for moments of weakness. But they are the markers of the disease.

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Symptom #1. Fatigue. You just got out of bed and you already feel overwhelmed. We got to work and think only about how to relax. And you come back from it completely exhausted. And every day you feel more and more tired.

  • An alarming symptom, indicating heart failure. Fatigue occurs due to lack of blood supply to the brain, lungs and heart.

Symptom #2. Weakness. Many patients who have suffered a heart attack have admitted that shortly before this they were so weak that they were not able to hold a piece of paper in their hands. The feeling of powerlessness, which is characteristic of the flu, is an alarming signal. 

  • The symptom indicates the risk of myocardial infarction in the near future.

Symptom #3. Mood swings. A feeling of unreasonable anxiety was experienced by many before being in a hospital bed. Doctors advise to be careful about this condition, as it is one of the common symptoms.

  • Intense anxiety or even fear of death may indicate an impending heart attack.

 Right in the heart: swelling of the legs and severe shortness of breath threaten with heart attacks 

Symptom #4. Shortness of breath. If the rise to the third floor causes severe shortness of breath, as if after an hour-long marathon, and small physical exertion is accompanied by a lack of air, — It's time to see a cardiologist. Shortness of breath often accompanies a heart attack and can cause chest pain.

  • Impaired blood flow reduces its flow to the lungs, which causes shortened breathing.

Symptom #5. Dizziness. The brain needs an abundant blood flow to function properly. As soon as an insufficient amount of blood enters the brain, this is reflected in the state of the whole organism.

  • Heart attacks are accompanied by dizziness or loss of consciousness. Therefore, irregular heart rhythms are very dangerous.

Symptom #6. Cold sweat. It suddenly hits you when you are just sitting in a chair and suddenly you start to get covered in drops, as if you just spent two hours in the gym.

  • A warning symptom that indicates an imminent heart attack.


Symptom #7. Rapid pulse. Rare pulse jumps, as a rule, do not cause alarm for doctors. But an irregular or frequent pulse, especially if it is accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, indicates an arrhythmia.

  • An arrhythmia can cause a heart attack or even sudden death.

Symptom #8. Chest pain comes on suddenly and disappears in the same way. It is not surprising that many people ignore such manifestations and do not realize the full danger of the situation. They catch when the affected area extends to the arms, back, shoulders.

  • The most common symptom of a heart attack.

Symptom #9. Puffiness. Swelling of the legs, as well as weight gain, are not always the result of a sedentary lifestyle (although it certainly is, too). However, the heart can also signal alarms in a similar way. Loss of appetite is one of them.

  • Excess fluid in the body indicates heart failure.

Cough and indigestion as markers of a diseased heart

Symptom #10. Indigestion. Pain and bloating, which can adversely affect digestion and cause food aversion, are not always indicative of gastrointestinal problems.

  • An alarming symptom that is comparable in its threat to pain in the heart and indicates urgent treatment.

Symptom #11. Cough. A persistent cough appears from the fluid accumulated in the lungs. Sometimes it is accompanied by bloody sputum, which indicates the severity of the problem. Another alarming symptom can be wheezing breathing.

  • Persistent coughing indicates heart failure.

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