Get rid of pain – the first desire of a person experiencing pain. However, if you become addicted to painkillers, it will be more difficult to control pain in the future. To avoid this, we suggest you try the pain relief techniques that has prepared for you.

To prepare for any pain relief technique, you need to learn how to properly focus and breathe deeply to relax the body. All this requires practice, especially if you suffer from chronic pain. However, the result is worth it – You will learn to release muscle tension throughout your body and take your attention away from pain.

Pain Relief Techniques – start with controlled deep breathing:

try to take a relaxed position in a dark room. Close your eyes or focus on a specific point.

try to slow down your breathing. Breathe deeply, inhale with your chest. If you are distracted, try to focus on one word and think about it as you breathe.

Practice controlled breathing for 2-3 minutes.

when you are relaxed and calm, proceed to pain relief techniques.

  1. Shifting attention

Perhaps this is the best pain relief technique that demonstrates the power of the human mind and its ability to change sensations in the body. Concentrate on any specific body part – hand, foot, etc. and try to change the sensation in that part of the body. For example, imagine that your hand is warming up and fully concentrate on this sensation. This will help distract the brain from the source of pain, such as back pain.

  1. Disconnect

A real pain relief technique involves mentally separating the part of the body that hurts from the rest of the body, or thinking of the mind and body as separate components. For example, imagine that the part of the body that hurts is sitting on the other side of the room on a chair. Tell her to stay there, away from the healthy and painless parts and your mind.

  1. Sensory Separation

The real technique for relieving pain is to separate the sensation (pain, burning, etc.) into separate parts. For example, if the pain in the leg is accompanied by a feeling of heat in the limb, focus on the heat, but do not think about the pain at all.

  1. Imaginary anesthesia

Imagine that an anesthetic is injected into an area of ​​pain. In a similar way, you can imagine how an ice pack, in contact with the area of ​​pain, has a cooling effect and reduces pain.

  1. Imaginary analgesia

Based on the concept of imagined analgesia, this pain relief technique involves visualizing the injection of a strong pain medication (such as morphine) into the area of ​​pain. You can also imagine how your brain produces a large amount of endorphins – natural anesthetic substance of the body, their gradual movement and entry into diseased parts of the body.

  1. Replacement

Engage your mind and imagine some sensation (warmth, cold, numbness) in a hand that does not hurt, and then touch it to the area of ​​pain. Feel how this sensation smoothly replaces the pain, completely replacing it.

  1. Time travel

Real time travel is unfortunately not yet possible. But your brain is capable of it! Imagine yourself in the past or in the future, when the pain that is bothering you at the moment has not yet arisen or has already disappeared. Gradually you will feel how they leave you!

  1. Symbol representation

Imagine a symbol, some sort of symbol for pain. It can be anything – a blinding light bulb, a sparkling knife, a thin needle, etc. Now mentally reduce the annoying qualities of your symbol. If it is a light bulb, dim its light, let the knife gradually dull and decrease along with your pain.

  1. Positive Visualization

Focus on your favorite place – beach, forest, mountains, river, etc. Imagine yourself in a happy place where there is no pain – only safety, carelessness and relaxation.

  1. Account

This pain relief technique consists of mentally counting something: inhalations and exhalations, holes in the ceiling, tiles on the floor, or those very sheep that we used to count before going to bed.

  1. Bearing Pain

Mentally move the pain from one area of ​​the body to another where it is easier to manage. You can go even further – take this pain out of your body and throw it out the window!

Some of these pain relief techniques work better after learning from a professional. To relieve chronic pain, you will have to practice. To do this, it is recommended to resort to the above methods about three times a week for 30 minutes. However, if you find enough strength and patience in yourself, you will learn to get rid of pain and relax after a few deep breaths.

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