5 народных средств для лечения ангины

It would seem that in our time, who needs these home remedies: rinses, compresses, inhalations and herbal teas? Now in any pharmacy it is easy to find any pills and medicines, lozenges and sprays, which (according to advertising) in a matter of minutes, at least, will relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, even experienced doctors, prescribing a course of antibiotics and other medications for the treatment of angina at home & nbsp; conditions, do not forget to recall the "grandmother's" recipes for the treatment of colds, tested by many generations. Together with estet-portal.com, we offer you to learn more about the most effective traditional medicine that will help you cope with sore throat faster.

Honey — first aid in the treatment of angina

Bee honey — one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of angina. This product — a completely unique medicine, it has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, contains a unique complex of vitamins and biologically active substances. Using honey will help & nbsp; relieve inflammation and pain. The use of honey activates blood circulation, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Honey is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease, with the first unpleasant symptoms: perspiration, pain when swallowing. However, you can use it at any stage of the sore throat. Experts recommend using honey, collected from sage, sweet clover, linden or clover, for the treatment of sore throats.

Honey  - an incredibly valuable product, but it should be remembered that its medicinal properties are lost when heated. Therefore, adding it to hot tea or milk will significantly reduce the therapeutic effect.

Here are some simple and effective ways to use honey for sore throat.

  1. For oral administration, mix 5 g (about half a teaspoon) of honey and 1 tablespoon of aloe juice. We take a small spoonful of the received remedy three times a day before meals.
  2. In warm water (40°C) add a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon — apple cider vinegar. Gargle with the resulting solution every two hours.
  3. And of course, milk with honey familiar to everyone. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a pinch of baking soda and half a teaspoon of butter to the milk.

Beetroot juice for the treatment of sore throats at home

Beetroot juice, which we used to use to make traditional Ukrainian borscht or vinaigrette, has many healing properties. The combination of a unique complex of vitamins, minerals and organic acids helps to quickly cope with mucosal edema, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Usually beetroot juice is used for rinsing.

To prepare the rinse we need:

  • fresh beets — 2 medium root vegetables;
  • apple or table vinegar diluted 1:1 with water.

The ingredients are mixed and slightly heated in a water bath or in a microwave. Use this rinse potion (at least 5 times a day).

To obtain beetroot juice in the absence of a juicer, you just need to grind the beetroot in any convenient way and squeeze the juice through gauze.

There is another way to use beets. It is enough to clean, wash, cut into small pieces and boil until cooked through two medium root crops. To one glass of warm broth, add a teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture or a tablespoon of honey mixed with lemon. The resulting mixture will be used for rinsing, repeating the procedure every two hours.

Use of baking soda for rinsing with sore throat

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Rinse does not lose its relevance in the process of treating angina at home. Even with the most advanced sprays and tablets, this treatment helps to quickly remove toxins released by bacteria, helps reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

Regular soda — one of the most popular means for preparing solutions intended for gargling. Such a high popularity of soda is quite understandable: you may not have honey or beets, but you will definitely find a teaspoon of soda. To enhance the effectiveness of such a rinse, add half a teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of warm water, as well as 3 — 4 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine. We repeat the procedure up to five times a day.

Using such a familiar soda for medicinal purposes, we do not always understand how it works. The scheme of soda exposure in angina is quite simple: soda solution is an alkaline environment, which is detrimental to pathogens. In addition, it has a softening and enveloping effect on irritated mucous membranes and helps to remove dangerous microorganisms and their metabolic products.

Compress on the throat — classic treatment of angina at home

Probably, there are not so many people who, in childhood, in the process of treating a sore throat, did not have warming compresses on their throats.  First of all, let's try to understand why this is needed.  Performing this procedure helps:

  • activate blood circulation, thereby improving the flow of oxygen to the tonsils;
  • relieve inflammation faster;
  • reduce pain when swallowing;
  • accelerate the death of pathogens — staphylococci and streptococci.

It is important to remember that compresses should be used as an adjunct procedure, they cannot replace antibiotic treatment.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, we note some limitations for this procedure. Warm compresses are contraindicated at elevated body temperature. In addition, when applying compresses, you should leave the upper part of the neck free — the area where the thyroid gland and submandibular lymph nodes are located.

There are many different types of compresses.

For example, for an alcohol compress with aloe and honey, we need:

  • aloe juice — 30g;
  • honey — 50g;
  • vodka (or diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 medical alcohol) — 120 ml.

Warmed in a water bath mixture is moistened with gauze and tied to the neck. Wet gauze must be covered with cling film and wrapped with a flannel or woolen scarf. The compress can be kept up to 4 hours.

However, not only alcohol is used to treat angina at home. The cabbage compress is also very popular. You can use a cabbage leaf or gruel from a finely grated cabbage stalk.

Such a compress relieves inflammation well, helps to reduce pain.

Ginger and lemon for sore throat

Treatment of sore throats at home, like the treatment of other colds, requires compliance with the drinking regimen. As a useful tonic drink for angina, you can use & nbsp; ginger lemon tea. It is enough to grate a piece of ginger on a fine grater, pour hot water (250 ml) and hold on low heat for about twenty minutes. Add a little lemon juice, let it cool slightly, and flavor with a spoonful of honey. This composition can also be used for inhalation.

You may have noticed that lemon appears quite often in recipes for home remedies for sore throats. And this is not surprising. First of all, the use of lemon helps to create an environment that is detrimental to pathogens. In addition, a loading dose of ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E and groups B, flavonoids and essential oils contained in lemon fruits help to increase immunity, which is very important in the treatment of colds.

Traditional medicine advocates recommend eating a lemon (with the skin!) at the first sign of discomfort in the throat.

Of course, folk remedies are extremely important, but first of all, you should pay attention to the recommendations of your doctor.  As a rule, the use of folk remedies gives the greatest effect at the first sign of malaise.

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