Although, as they say, happiness is not in money, yet they help us to fulfill some dreams, thereby making us happier, because it all depends on where to spend the money. Many people work hard trying to achieve success in their careers, but only a select few manage to become rich and successful. What is the secret of these people? The fact is that hard work – only one of the components of material well-being, because motivation plays a huge role in the process of accumulating money. In this article, we will share with you the secrets of success that the American entrepreneur and multimillionaire Andrew Carnegie once presented to the whole world.

He who cannot think – fool. The one who does not want – fanatic. The one who does not dare – slave.

Andrew Carnegie

How to become rich and successful: 6 main secrets of success

Rule #1. Determine the exact amount of money that will satisfy your needs. If you say: "I want a lot of money" – nothing will work, specificity and accuracy are important here.

Rule #2. Admit to yourself what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of money. It can be a huge amount of time spent and an absolute lack of rest, an unimaginable expenditure of energy, nerves and strength. Be honest with yourself if you are ready to sacrifice free time and other components of your comfort zone.

Rule #3. Set a date for when you are going to be rich and successful. At the same time, keep in mind that it should be as real and accurate as possible, it is enough to imagine that a million will suddenly fall from the sky or be inherited from a distant relative.

Rule #4. Make a specific action plan that will help you achieve your desired goal. Do not delay with the first step, it is better to take it immediately after the plan is drawn up, in no case should you hesitate. Act quickly, confidently carry out your plans step by step!

Rule #5. Write down everything you think. It is important that each of the previous points be transferred to paper. If you always have a plan of action in front of your eyes, you will become rich and successful much faster. By the way, it is visualization that is the secret of success of many famous figures.

Rule #6. Every morning after waking up and every evening before going to bed, you need to pronounce your notes with feeling and arrangement. As you say this, imagine that you have already become rich and successful.

The secret of success is to believe in yourself. Only hard work on yourself will help to realize all your plans.

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