In the modern world, everything has changed. Under the influence of fashion, advertising and many other social factors, the fine line between opposites is blurred: girls are becoming more and more like boys, and boys – on girls. But you can’t argue against nature, and human physiology still remains unchanged, regardless of what is happening in the outside world. There are fundamental differences between the female and male body, which are the reason that we are so different. Read about the amazing differences between a man and a woman at

Interesting differences between men and women

Even schoolchildren know that a boy or a girl will be born into the world depending on the number of Xs in the chromosomal set of the fetus.

Although the principle of the human body is the same, at the level of physiology, men and women are fundamentally different.

What are the differences between a man and a woman scientists found out:

1. Women can do several things at the same time, men – only one

Scientists have discovered an amazing fact: there are four million more cells in a man's brain than in a woman's brain. At the same time, according to the results of various tests of the brain, women showed a few percent better results. As it turns out, the secret of the brain lies in the connection between the right and left hemispheres. In women, this is a joint called the corpus callosum,  much thicker and stronger than men. It is this fact that is the reason why a woman can do several things at the same time, and do it well, while a man should concentrate only on one thing. For example, while cooking, a woman can communicate with a friend on the phone and follow the child out of the corner of her eye. If you start a conversation with a man, for example, when he shaves, most likely,

2. Women love to talk, and men – silently do

It's no secret that women love to chat. And this – one of the biggest differences between men and women. The secret of male conciseness and female talkativeness is very simple: in men, one center in the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for speech, and in a woman – as many as two, in different hemispheres. A man can completely lose his speech as a result of an injury, but it is almost impossible to silence a woman. During the day, women pronounce about 8,000 thousand words, 3,000 sounds and demonstrate at least 10,000 gestures. Men, on the other hand, reproduce half as many words and sounds, and their gestures are limited to only a few thousand gestures per day. That is why women prefer to talk, and men – do.

3. Men easily navigate in space, while women have problems with this

Features of the structure of the brain cause women's inability to navigate well in space. As Asian scientists have found, more than 90% of men successfully pass tests using mazes, while only 8% of women are able to cope with such a task. Problems with geography in women arise for the same reason: compasses, geographical maps and similar "tourist things" It's definitely not a woman's business. And even driving has its own nuances. Of course, a woman driving – this is very common today, but studies show that only 20% of women are able to successfully park close to the sidewalk, while more than 70% of men are able to successfully do it on the first try.

4. Women see crimson, ruby ​​and carrot color, and for men it is red


And this is indeed true. Women are able to distinguish a much greater number of colors than men, and the secret lies in their chromosomes. The X chromosome is responsible for the action of cone receptors, the function of which is the perception of color. A woman has two such chromosomes, which is why the palette of colors that they distinguish is much wider. In addition, women have a wider field of vision – about 180°. The man's vision is tunnel, he looks clearly straight ahead, like a hunter at his prey, and does not notice the little things around him. This may explain the fact that men constantly ask the question "where are my socks?" unless they are right in front of their eyes, and also are much more likely to be victims of traffic accidents.

5. Women's skin is much more sensitive than men's

In quarrels with a loved one, in a fit of emotions, women often throw out the phrase “you are so thick-skinned, you don’t feel anything at all,” without even realizing how right they are. The skin of men is literally much thicker than women's, which is why the fair sex has wrinkles much earlier and in much larger quantities. The sensitivity of female skin is 10 times higher, which is why women are so sensitive to touching their bodies. The low sensitivity of the skin to men is given for a reason, because by its nature, a man must get food and protect his family. Studies show that if a man is very passionate about the business – he is practically incapable of feeling pain.

6. A woman can tell when a man is lying by his voice

The whole secret lies in the fact that women are much better able to distinguish sounds of high frequencies. By listening to the change in tone of a speaking man, a woman can almost always recognize when he is lying. Newborn girls are able to distinguish their mother's voice among many others already a week after birth, while boys are not capable of this. The specialization of male hearing is somewhat different: a male hunter understands well where the sound comes from. If a couple walking down the street comes across a meowing kitten, the woman will be the first to hear it, and the man will quickly point out where to look for it.

7. Men love beer, and women – chocolate

There are amazing differences between men and women even at the level of perception of smells and tastes. Scientists have proven that men are better at feeling bitter and salty tastes, which is why they love beer with fish so much. The female body, in turn, perceives sweets better, so sweets and chocolate – this is a great way to please a girl. The sense of smell of women is also significantly different from that of men. Women are able to capture a huge amount of odors that are practically inaccessible to men. Studies show that a woman's nose can even "read" the smell of a man, passing it to the brain for "decoding" and finding out how healthy and strong the body of this male, while everything about everything the woman will take no more than three seconds.

There are many amazing differences between a man and a woman, but they are what make us so attractive to each other.

Research shows that no matter how much scientists try to understand the human body – there are still many mysteries and secrets that humanity has yet to discover for itself.

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