Salads, which we traditionally prepare for the holidays, of course, are loved by everyone. But such a gastronomic extravaganza is not harmless for the figure.  You won’t have to sigh with regret about the extra weight gained after the celebration of the New Year if you take care to prepare dietary salads. We want to share the recipes of these light and tasty dishes with you. There are no difficulties in their preparation, and the low calorie content of such salads will certainly please you.

Diet salads with vegetables – vitamin joy

Vegetable salad with avocado

1 each avocado, bell pepper, tomato, onion; 100 g of soybeans and celery; spinach leaves, soy sauce, lemon juice (to taste).

Narve the spinach leaves with your hands, cut the rest of the ingredients into small cubes, then mix and sprinkle with lemon juice. The salad must be infused for at least 30 minutes, then season it with sauce and mix well again.


Cheese salad with cucumber and apple

1 cucumber and 1 apple each (sour varieties); 150 g low-fat cheese, 50 g celery root, 1 cup low-fat sour cream.

Grate all the ingredients on a medium grater, mix well, season with spices, then add sour cream.

Salad can be used to make cheese paste for tartlets, in this case, replace the grater with a blender.


Salad with avocado and beets

1 each beetroot and avocado; 100 g of sorrel and spinach; 2 hard-boiled eggs, parsley, lemon juice (to taste).

Boil the beets, peel and cut them into small cubes, and the avocado – large. Tear the spinach and sorrel leaves with your hands into small pieces. Mix ingredients together, then sprinkle grated boiled eggs on top for garnish.


Vegetable salad with seaweed

1 cucumber and bell pepper each; 200–300g white cabbage, 100–150g seaweed, green onion, soy sauce or olive oil.

Finely chop the cabbage, salt and remember well with your hands. Leave to stand for 20 minutes to let the juice flow.

Cut the rest of the vegetables into cubes, add the white and chopped sea kale, mix everything well. If needed, dress the salad with a little olive oil or dressing.


French Salad

1 large celery, parsley, lettuce, low-fat sour cream, mustard (to taste).

Peel, wash and grate the celery. Chop greens, add to celery.

To prepare the filling in sour cream, add mustard, season with ground pepper. Pour over the salad, mix everything well and place on each lettuce leaf in portions.


Salads with meat, fish and seafood

Shrimp and tomato salad

300 g shrimp, 3 tomatoes, small apple, 0.5 cup sour cream, 1 tsp. mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, spices (to taste).

Boil the shrimp, cool, peel and sprinkle well with lemon juice. Dice tomatoes and apple, add spices. Mix sour cream with mustard and add the resulting dressing to the salad.


White fish salad

250 g boiled white fish, 2 tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs; 1 potato, green onion, lettuce, olive oil.

Finely chop the boiled fish and eggs. Cool the boiled potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into small cubes. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and puree them in a blender. Finely chop the greens, then mix all the ingredients and pour over the salad with oil.


Salad with meat

150 g boiled beef, 300 g white cabbage, seeds, olive oil.

Chop the cabbage finely. Cut boiled meat into small pieces. Mix everything and add seeds. Dress salad with olive oil.


Diet  salads – it's a great way to showcase your culinary talents to your guests and still have a slim waist after the holidays.

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