Medicine and treatment

We clean according to a special program: a new acne treatment

Most cosmetologist's patients consider acne to be the most terrible skin defect, because it significantly spoils the appearance, is difficult to treat and leaves behind rough, unaesthetic scars. Today, there are many techniques that help to cope with the problems of inflamed acne on the face, but the most effective treatment for acne – using laser technology.

In the clinic of laser cosmetology and medicine «LINLINE» a special program has been developed and used for quite a long time, which patients call "acne first aid". Read about the features of this program at

What is special about the new acne treatment program?

Ambulance program for those suffering from inflamed acne in "LINLINE" is that the patient after one laser procedure already sees that the inflammation has subsided, there are fewer acne, including abscesses, and the skin looks much better.

Trying to get rid of acne on your own can be very dangerous to your health. Acne treatment should be carried out professionally and comprehensively.

At the appointment, the doctor explains to the patient what results in the treatment of acne, the elimination of spots and post-acne scars can be achieved using professional laser skin treatment methods.

How is laser acne treated?

At the clinic of laser cosmetology and medicine "LINLINE", the acne treatment procedure takes place in two stages. To begin with, the patient's skin is thoroughly cleansed and a special substance chromophore – it is able to absorb electromagnetic radiation regardless of skin color, and therefore significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure. The second stage of the procedure is the actual session of laser exposure, which lasts from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

According to a special technique developed by LINLINE, finely dispersed carbon can be applied to the face. Further, under the pulses of a laser operating in a special mode, carbon particles penetrate deep into the skin, bursting inside and activating the fight against purulent inflammation.

Even one laser procedure  is enough to reduce the number of purulent rashes on the skin.

Special preparation for the procedure or special anesthesia is not required – All patients note the comfort of the laser effect on the skin. At the end of the acne treatment, the skin reddens a little, but this effect disappears after a few hours. Since the laser does not damage the skin, there is no recovery period after the session.

When can I evaluate the results of laser acne treatment?

Usually, after the first laser procedure, patients notice a decrease in inflamed acne elements & nbsp; on the skin, but the course of treatment is calculated by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and usually consists of 2-4 procedures once a week. In some cases, the effect of laser exposure on acne can be assessed 10 days after the start of therapy, and for many patients two sessions are enough to completely defeat inflamed acne. The result of laser acne treatment lasts at least six months. Further, the doctor may prescribe supportive procedures.





At what age is laser acne treatment allowed?

Most often, the problem of inflamed acne on the face and body affects adolescents, who during puberty experience fluctuations in hormonal levels in the body. For them  The laser technique for the treatment of acne is quite suitable. It can be used at any age. This type of therapy for inflamed acne often helps women in perimenopause, who, also against the background of hormonal fluctuations, can erupt inflamed acne on the face.

It is very important that laser acne treatment can be started in case of an inflammatory process on the face. In the clinic «LINLINE»  developed its own method of treatment, which is effective even in the period of exacerbation of acne, which is very important for adolescents suffering from inflamed acne. The laser deeply cleanses the skin, quickly relieves inflammation, stops purulent processes, normalizes sebum secretion and tightens pores. For home care, the doctor prescribes supportive professional skin care products – safe and effective for a particular patient.

When and for what reasons is laser acne treatment not recommended?

Doctors of the clinic "LINLINE" do not recommend procedures using a laser during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, you should not undergo procedures in case of exacerbation of any chronic or infectious disease.

What treatments will help get rid of post-acne scars and spots?

In the clinic of laser cosmetology and medicine «LINLINE" for the treatment of scars and the elimination of bluish spots left after acne and acne, laser peeling, nanoperforation, mesotherapy procedures are offered. The essence of these procedures generally boils down to cleansing and leveling the skin relief, stimulating the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, restoring smoothness, even healthy color and elasticity to the skin. Scars can also be removed with the new RecoSMA laser procedure. The laser reconstructs the skin, restoring its original appearance.

LINLINE Clinic:  effective cosmetology you can trust!

Kyiv, st. Pushkinskaya, 11

Phone: (044) 599-55-55

  • Comments (10)

    11 марта 2016, 19:23

    Очень комплексовала из-за этого дефекта. Решилась пройти процедуру очищения кожи лазером. Результатом осталась довольна, уже вечером видно было, что воспаление уменьшилось. Сильного дискомфорта при процедуре я не испытывала, только испугали покраснения кожи, но через час их практически не стало. Прошло после лечения 5 месяцев, пока такие проблемы не беспокоят.

  • Comments (10)

    11 марта 2016, 19:38

    Очень хотелось бы попробовать этот метод лечения угревой сыпи! Я просто замучилась уже, так хочется красивую и гладкую кожу.. это моя мечта. И чего я только не перепробовала, чтобы хоть как-то сгладить и вылечить кожу. Покупала крема и лосьоны от дешевых до дорогих, разные косметические препараты эффективного действия при угревой сыпи и все безрезультатно! Надеюсь ,что данная процедура мне поможет, так как читала много отзывов и статей, все положительные.

  • Comments (10)

    Александр Березовски#309
    12 марта 2016, 19:00

    Здравствуйте. Меня на протяжении пяти лет мучает угревая сыпь, пробовал лечить разными мазями, гелями, но от них эффект есть, но он не долговечный. Также пробовал пройти курс лечения антибиотиками, это конечно же помогло,но все угри не ушли. Результат от вашей лазерной терапии долговечен? После процедуры лазером, как долго заживают участки кожи? Какого посоветуете выбрать врача?

  • Comments (10)

    12 марта 2016, 21:31

    Всю жизнь была обладательницей здоровой кожи,но последний год поменял все. Никакие мази и таблетки не помогают,дерматолог посоветовал лазерное лечение сыпи. Очень хочу пройти лечение и хотелось бы узнать пару интересующих нюансов. Как скоро после таких процедур лицо придет в норму?Для всех ли типов кожи и участков она подходит?И какого врача посоветуйте,просто с такой проблемой не хочется обращаться к кому попало.

  • Comments (10)

    13 марта 2016, 20:40

    Не знала, что таким способом сейчас уже и прыщи лечат. Хочу попробовать, только вот боюсь - у меня был один неприятный опыт удаления бородавок лазером в одной из платных клиник. А вообще давно мечтаю избавиться от угревой сыпи. Хотелось бы узнать, как выбрать хорошего врача чтобы точно не прогадать и надеяться на хороший результат без побочных явлений. Конечно, результаты впечатляют

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