Экспертное мнение: синдром эмоционального выгорания или как вернуть чувства на место

Emotional burnout – pathopsychological state, which is an actual problem of our time. The fast pace of life, the need for constant communication, lack of time and lack of sleep, personal conflicts – all these factors contribute to the development of what we, without really delving into the terminology, are accustomed to calling "fatigue", "nervousness", "depression".

It is well known that the medical profession is at high risk of developing burnout syndrome. Therefore, timely diagnosis and competent professional assistance are of great importance to prevent further aggravation of emotional burnout and improve the quality of life.

Exclusively for estet-portal.com psychologist Tatyana Petkova spoke about how burnout syndrome manifests itself and when it should be suspected in oneself, as well as about the necessary changes in lifestyle that will help emotions « ;into its place».

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Burnout: when to suspect this anxiety state

T.P.: “God, people are bugging me”, “I can’t see anyone”, “I hate these pointless conversations”, “I want to go to a desert island”, “ “It’s like I’m behind glass,” “I don’t feel anything,” “I don’t want anything,” “I’m a dull nothingness,” “Why all this, life is bullshit,” hellip; And a couple of dozens of similar phrases or thoughts that signal the approach of emotional burnout (EM).

Today it is fashionable to self-diagnose like "I have depression" or “I have an emotional burnout”, although in fact, most likely, the person means a reduced mood background or psychasthenia.

Em should be diagnosed by a specialist, he will understand the reasons and develop tactics to get out of this unpleasant state. How to distinguish emotional burnout from physiological fatigue



Physiological fatigue does not include EM symptoms such as: •  

•    emotional paralysis (I don't feel anything);

•    irritation up to aggression when you need to communicate with someone (a business meeting, a phone call, an invitation from friends to gather for barbecue – everything causes disgust and rejection);

•    scarcity of desires (do not want anything);

•    anhedonia (nothing brings pleasure, nothing pleases);

•    Eating disorders (decreased appetite or, conversely, overeating, severe cravings for sweets);

•    increased amount of alcohol (I drink to shake myself up and have fun);

•    depreciation of my life achievements (I blew my life, I don’t live like that, everything is generally bad);

•    disturbances at the bodily level (palpitations, sweating, nausea, chronically heavy head and headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances,

increased tearfulness). What are the main causes of burnout syndrome development

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The causes of this disorder can be divided into two groups.


at risk of EM are those who, by occupation, intensively communicate with other people (journalists, sales managers, psychologists, teachers, social workers, doctors, etc.), and whom the psychological resources of regulation of communication and protection have been exhausted. A rough but understandable example: the Teflon coating on the pan was worn off, the scrambled eggs began to burn and stick to the bottom. The professional resource is “erased”, the communicative sediment “sticks” to a person, first spoils the mood, then the well-being.


personality traits of a person. Empaths (people prone to empathy, able to tune in to the emotions and feelings of another person) are subject to emotional burnout. As a rule, empaths – excellent psychologists, doctors, educators, which is why these professions have a high risk of EM. But it's not just about empathy.

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Emotionally burn out those for whom a job or a specific relationship – supervalue: such people go into business or personal relationships "with giblets", put all their emotions there, "scoop out" like a well that does not have time to replenish its water supply.

EM also threatens those who have been in an insoluble psychotraumatic situation for a long time. Moreover, the key condition here – a long time.

Emotional burnout threatens those who have been in an insoluble psychotraumatic situation for a long time. Moreover, the key condition here – a long time.

It has been proven that a frog will boil alive if it sits in an open pot of water, and the pot – on slow fire. The frog simply does not notice that the water is slowly heating up and does not flee. If you heat the water quickly, the frog will jump out, and if slowly – weld. If a person lives “on nerves” for a long time, and the stressful situation does not change,

emotional burnout develops. How to change your lifestyle with burnout syndrome


Emotional burnout – it's exhaustion. There is only one strategy: to replenish the resource and strengthen psychological protection. Each person has their own tactics. One needs to jump out of the pot of hot water in which they are boiled. Other – change the attitude towards work or change the work itself. Third – take a break and “change the sky above your head”: new stimuli, new experiences will help you find new sources of groundwater that will fill the well with fresh water. When emotionally burnt out, it is better not to make sudden movements: you should not go on a trip to large cities and busy autobahns, it is better to go to a quiet place with few people. Large companies and intense emotional stress should also be avoided.

Fortunately,  emotional exhaustion – a reversible process, and with the right tactics, a person is restored. Strength, desires and joy of life return. Well, the attitude towards ourselves is changing: after EM, we begin to treat ourselves more carefully and value our health.

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