Over the years, tooth enamel is damaged, resulting in a problem of tooth sensitivity. To delay tooth enamel erosion as much as possible, you need to know what causes it. And to restore tooth enamel after damage, modern dentistry offers several options.

What is tooth enamel, what is its function?

Tooth enamel is the thin but strong outer covering of the tooth. It is worth noting that it is the most durable tissue of the human body. Tooth enamel covers the visible part of the tooth. By itself, it is transparent, and the color of the tooth depends on the dentin.

Enamel protects teeth from daily damage. Despite the strength of the enamel, chips and cracks can form in it. Enamel also insulates the tooth from the potentially painful effects of temperatures and chemicals. Unlike bones, which tend to overgrow, damage to teeth remains forever. Since there are no living cells in the enamel, the body cannot restore it after damage.

The most common causes of enamel erosion

- excessive consumption of carbonated drinks (high in phosphoric and citric acid);
- fruit drinks (also containing acids);
- dry mouth or insufficient saliva;
- excessive consumption of sugar and starch;
- acid reflux;
- problems of the digestive system;
- some medications (aspirin, antihistamines);
- genetic predisposition (genetic diseases);
- external factors (friction, wear, pressure and corrosion).

There is also evidence that bulimia can also lead to enamel erosion or dental caries. Since vomit also contains acid, it causes erosion of tooth enamel and cavities in the teeth due to the action of stomach acid.

Main signs of tooth enamel erosion:

- tooth sensitivity;
- discoloration;
- rounding of teeth;
- cracks and breaks;
- increased sensitivity of teeth;
- the appearance of depressions on the surface of the teeth.

As tooth enamel is eroded, the teeth become more susceptible to cavities or caries. If caries affects hard enamel, then the body of the tooth is also affected. Small cavities are not a problem at first, but as they enlarge and deepen into the tooth, they can affect the nerve fibers, resulting in significant pain.

Methods to prevent erosion of tooth enamel

1. The first and fundamental condition for healthy teeth is proper oral hygiene: brushing, rinsing and flossing.
2. Try to limit the amount of acidic drinks in your diet. Always rinse your mouth with water after eating acidic foods or drinks containing acid.
3. Drink the above drinks through a straw so that they do not fall on your teeth, but directly into your mouth.
4. Try to rinse your mouth after snacking.
5. Don't skip chewing gum (unsweetened) between meals - it helps neutralize acids and also stimulates saliva, which contains enamel-strengthening minerals. However, you should not abuse chewing gum either - this leads to problems with the jaw and grinding of the teeth.
6. Drink plenty of water.
7. Use fluoride paste, but be careful, because too much fluoride causes fluorosis.
Restoration of tooth enamel after erosion and damage
The method of restoration of tooth enamel depends on each specific case. In some cases, tooth bonding (applying special substances to damaged areas) is used to protect the tooth and improve its appearance.

In case of significant damage to the tooth enamel, the dentist may recommend the installation of a crown that will protect the tooth from destruction. Also among the possible options for restoring tooth enamel is covering the outer surface of the tooth with a veneer.

Restoration of tooth enamel after erosion and damage

The method of restoration of tooth enamel depends on each specific case. In some cases, tooth bonding (applying special substances to damaged areas) is used to protect the tooth and improve its appearance.In case of significant damage to the tooth enamel, the dentist may recommend the installation of a crown that will protect the tooth from destruction. Also among the possible options for restoring tooth enamel is covering the outer surface of the tooth with a veneer.

Restoration of tooth enamel after erosion and damage

The method of restoration of tooth enamel depends on each specific case. In some cases, tooth bonding (applying special substances to damaged areas) is used to protect the tooth and improve its appearance.

>In case of significant damage to the tooth enamel, the dentist may recommend the installation of a crown that will protect the tooth from destruction. Also among the possible options for restoring tooth enamel is covering the outer surface of the tooth with a veneer. In case of significant damage to the tooth enamel, the dentist may recommend the installation of a crown that will protect the tooth from destruction. Also among the possible options for restoring tooth enamel is covering the outer surface of the tooth with a veneer. In case of significant damage to the tooth enamel, the dentist may recommend the installation of a crown that will protect the tooth from destruction. Also among the possible options for restoring tooth enamel is covering the outer surface of the tooth with a veneer. Estet-portal calls: take good care of your teeth - this will help prevent dental diseases and save money!

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