Medicine and treatment

Feline therapy: what diseases do cats treat

Фелинотерапия: какие болезни лечат коты

The fact that cat's purring has healing properties is known to almost everyone. Surely many of you who have a four-legged fluffy at home have noticed how this animal instinctively determines your "sore spot". Most often, cats settle on their feet. This is not surprising, because it is the legs that receive the greatest load during the day and begin to "buzz" in the evening. We will tell you which breeds are best treated for various diseases, according to Unlike dogs, which are energy donors, cats take away negative energy from us. In addition, they are able to really treat many diseases. There is even a science that includes cat therapy - feline therapy.

How feline therapy works

Cats are able to take away negative energy from a person: the one that is received during the day, and especially the one that the diseased organ "radiates" when it is out of balance with the body. In simple terms, cats treat diseases, trying to "patch" the energy gaps in our biofield. They are also able to emit some vibrations that have a positive effect on health. These include:

  • waves of sound,
  • vibration waves,
  • animal thermal radiation,
  • weak wave electric current.

How exactly does a cat treat

The purring of a cat is in the 27-44 kHz sound wave, this is the ultrasonic wave range often used in various medical devices. Therefore, it is this sound that has a positive effect on the health of the body and is able to raise immunity.

The temperature of this animal is slightly higher than that of a human, 38-39 degrees, which is optimal for warming procedures.

Weak electrical waves generated by a cat when stroked are capable of:

  • calm and normalize the functioning of the nervous system,
  • reduce high blood pressure,
  • relieve pain.

Read also: Psychosomatics of diseases: what are the consequences of negative emotions

How best to interact with a cat to get a healing effect

There are several types of interaction with this furry animal that bring a positive effect to human health. However, if you want therapy to bring a positive effect, establish a trusting relationship with her. Cat – the animal is freedom-loving, it cannot be forced to do something by force. To get the most out of your interactions with your cat, you can do the following:

  • look at the animal. Just by observing the behavior and life of a cat, you can not only relax, but also get a lot of positive emotions. After all, it’s not for nothing that all social networks are full of images of these furry animals,
  • pat the cat. Tactile sensitivity is of no small importance. A person often unconsciously reaches out to stroke this furry animal. With the help of such touches, he exchanges energy with the animal.
  • listen to the cat. As already mentioned, the waves emitted by a cat's purr increase the defenses of the human body, properly tuning its vibrations. In addition, some clinics that treat psychological and neurological disorders use recordings with cat purring.
  • cat reflexology. Cats are able to touch with their paws, stomp in the affected area and even release their claws, doing a kind of acupuncture. However, not all individuals of these animals behave this way. But if you notice such an ability in your pet, you can develop it.

Also, when using feline therapy, for effective treatment it is necessary to take into account the time at which you interact with the animal. So:

  • evening time – best for calming the nervous system, relieving fatigue and depression,
  • from 11 to 13 – has an effect on the cardiovascular system,
  • from 03 to 05 – curable lung ailments,
  • from 05 to 07 – the gastrointestinal tract calms down and normalizes.


In addition, cats have a positive effect on the body in case of headaches, neurosis, toothache, bruises and fractures, colds, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and even with oncology.

However, it is worth remembering that a cat is not a pill, so there is no need to refuse treatment. It is only a stimulant aid to speed up the healing process.

Moreover, cats are much better doctors than cats.

What breed of cat is better to choose for feline therapy

To choose the right "fluffy doctor", pay attention to his breed:

  • cats with long hair have a good effect on the nervous system: irritability, depression and insomnia go away. They have a psychotherapeutic effect. In addition, Persian cats help with joint pain and osteochondrosis.
  • shorthaired and hairless cats cope well with gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological problems, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • a plush coat distinguishes "specialists" on the cardiovascular system.
  • non-pedigreed (yard) cats are usually generalists. This is because many different breeds are mixed in their blood. Often such creatures themselves come to a person, and after therapy they leave.

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  • Comments (2)

    Людмила Владелица Кота#2196
    17 января 2018, 07:22

    Частота 27 - 44 Гц ультразвук? Зачем писать ерунду? Чтоб вы понимали, ультразвук начинается с частоты 20 000 Гц, его не может воспринимать человеческое ухо... Фелинотерапия - наука??? Это, скорее всего, псевдонаучный метод лечения. Не более того... Статейку писал школьник-копирайтер?

  • Comments (2)

    24 января 2019, 00:13

    Людмила , внимательнее читайте , прежде чем писать о своем возмущении .

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