Pregnancy is often accompanied by various sleep disorders caused by: nausea, heartburn, cramps in the limbs, snoring. These problems can be exacerbated by poor sleep hygiene. To make sleep during pregnancy as comfortable and calm as possible, has collected recommendations for you that will help minimize sleep problems and improve the quality of a night's rest.

Ways to get the best sleep during pregnancy

To ensure a comfortable and restful sleep during pregnancy, try these simple yet effective tips:

1. A comfortable place to sleep is the key to a good rest

Because the spine of pregnant women has to withstand more than usual load, get pillows of various sizes and use them to get the most comfortable position during sleep. Pregnancy pillows (such as, which are specially designed to provide maximum comfort for expectant mothers, will perfectly cope with this task.

Comfort is the key to a proper night's rest for expectant mothers.

2. Choose the right sleeping position

Starting from the fifth month of pregnancy, it is better to stop sleeping on your back, as this position puts pressure on the aorta and inferior vena cava - the vessels that transport blood from the lower extremities to the heart. Pressure on these vessels can cause a deterioration in blood circulation and blood flow to the baby. Stomach problems can also arise from sleeping on your back, as the tummy begins to press on the intestines. Not the best option would be to sleep on your stomach - so you will squeeze the uterus and, of course, the chest. What is the best position for sleeping during pregnancy? The most comfortable and safe posture during this period is sleeping on the left side. According to experts, this position improves blood circulation, helps to avoid pressure on the liver. Sleeping on your right side won't hurt either.

3. How to get comfortable

There are a few suggestions to improve comfort and safety for your child:

    For better support for your stomach and back: place a pillow under your stomach or between your knees;
  • for shortness of breath: place a pillow under your side to lift your chest;
  • For heartburn: Raise the head of the bed a few inches with books or blocks to prevent acid from entering the esophagus.
The best sleeping position for pregnant women is on the side (preferably on the left).


4. Other Tips for Better Sleep During Pregnancy

    avoid eating at least two hours before bedtime to avoid heartburn;
  • experiment with the temperature - perhaps the maximum comfort will provide a room temperature a couple of degrees lower than usual;
  • sleep in complete darkness - artificial light confuses the brain and often causes sleep disturbances, so complete darkness and silence are the best conditions for a night's rest;
  • avoid caffeinated foods and drinks in the evening;
  • if possible, drink fewer liquids at night to avoid frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night;
  • don't give up on daytime sleep - if you have the opportunity to take a nap for half an hour in the afternoon, use it;
  • learn how to relax - try yoga for pregnancy, which will relax the body and prepare it for sleep.
Remember, sleep during pregnancy is an important component of the health and well-being of not only the expectant mother, but also the child. Try to follow the recommendations of specialists to feel good every day and eliminate all factors that prevent you from resting peacefully at night.

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