Идеальная попа за 2 недели: эффективная программа приседаний

With the first rays of the sun, I really want to finally hide all the jeans and trousers away, and get short skirts and dresses from the far shelves of the wardrobe.

But at the very first fitting, many girls are faced with the problem of extra pounds, successfully "accumulated" for the cold season. Legs and booty – one of the most problematic areas of the female body, because it is in these areas that the fat layer is deposited in the first place.

Squats – this is the most effective way to tighten your ass and tidy up your legs, but most programs are designed for at least a month of training, and you really want to show off your beautiful legs as soon as possible.

Estet-portal.com has prepared a squat program for you, with which you will be able to enjoy compliments and admiring glances after just 2 weeks of short daily workouts.

Two Week Squat Program: Perfect Body

This squat program is designed for 2 weeks of daily effective training. You won't need any special clothes, no gym, no equipment.

These 10 exercises should be repeated 10 times, so the workout will take you no more than 10 minutes.

The squat program includes a set of exercises that will help you effectively work out the muscles of your legs and buttocks.

Squat at home in front of the TV, on a break at the office, or between classes at the university – and in just 2 weeks you will see amazing results!

The squat program includes 10 simple exercises

1. Regular Squats

Set your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself as low as you can. Make sure that the knees do not go beyond the line of the socks, and the back remains absolutely straight. Repeat this exercise 10 times. Thus, you give a load to all the muscles of your legs and buttocks.


2. Squats with leg raises to the side

Do a squat as in the previous exercise, but after each lift, raise your leg to the side as high as possible without tilting the body. Repeat the exercise 10 times, alternating legs.

With this exercise, not only the muscles of the legs are trained, but also the lower back, as well as the oblique muscles of the abdomen.


3. Squats with back leg raises

In this exercise, the leg should not be raised to the side, as in the previous one, but as high as possible back. As you move your leg, try to keep your back straight. The exercise must also be repeated 10 times, alternating legs. In addition to the muscles of the legs, you additionally work out the buttocks, abdominal muscles and the back of the thigh.


4. Double spring

Do a deep squat, then do two hip swings before returning to the starting position. At the same time, bend your arms at the elbows, as if holding imaginary ski poles. This exercise helps to effectively work out the back of the thighs.


5. Triple spring

Make it harder by doing a triple pelvic swing at the bottom. The amplitude of movements below should not exceed 10 cm. It is necessary to rise to the starting position after such an exercise smoothly, avoiding sharp jerks.


6. Plie

Plie is very often used as a dance move. It is necessary to turn the socks to the sides so that a straight line forms between the feet. Then do a deep squat and return to the starting position. This exercise effectively targets the inner thighs.


7. Squats with rotation

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows. Lower the pelvis as deep as possible to one foot and lift it through the other. Do 10 repetitions, alternating direction. This exercise is designed to work out one of the most problematic areas – inner thighs.


8. Side Squats

Stand up straight, hands down along the torso. Move one leg as far to the side as possible and do a deep squat. Repeat the exercise 10 times, alternating legs. This exercise gives a good load on the lower muscles of the buttocks and the inner thigh.


9. Squats with Leg Rotation

Squat down into a deep squat, then lift your straight leg and draw a semicircle in the air with it. The exercise also needs to be repeated 10 times, alternating legs. Thus, you work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks.


10. Jump Squat

This is a nice exercise – perfect to end your workout. Its technique is very simple: after a deep squat, jump up as high as possible. Such an exercise makes it possible to distribute the load and avoid "pumped" legs.


That's it, your short daily workout is over and the process of shaping your perfect figure has begun.

If you feel that such a load is not enough for you – repeat the complex of these exercises several times.

The squat program includes the most effective exercises that will help you get your legs and butt perfect. Get ready for summer with estet-portal.com.

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