Nuts are rich in vitamins and microelements that enrich the body and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of digestion and the brain. Nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids. Such a variety allows us to state with confidence that nuts are essential for the fruitful functioning of the body.  Nuts are considered heavy food to digest, so many people limit their intake of nuts to small amounts. Possible manifestations of an allergic reaction, constipation, bloating.

What useful properties of nuts are known

  • Walnut is the most beneficial for the brain. They contain active substances capable of strengthening the walls and patency of blood vessels.
  • Hazelnuts are indicated for use by people who have heart problems, anemia. It has a vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Peanuts significantly lower cholesterol. Scientists believe that it is the presence of paracoumaric acid in peanuts that helps in the fight against stomach cancer.
  • Almonds have excellent antiseptic properties. It can also relieve pain. Constant use of almonds allows you to get rid of frequent convulsions, parasites, insomnia.
  • Pistachios can tone up, it is indicated for use in stress and depression.
  • Cashews help lower cholesterol, strengthen the immune system. It is also most beneficial for bronchitis, influenza and hypertension.

How to maximize the benefits of nuts

Such useful properties of nuts, it would seem, should save humanity from half of the sores, but it turns out the other way around. What's the matter?

It is the case that nuts or seeds do not immediately reveal their beneficial properties after being peeled. Once in the body, the protection system is triggered, like an alarm, which prevents the release of useful components and saturate our body. Enzymes in the intestines and antinutrients block this possibility. Among the antinutrients, phytic acid is more prominent, capable of "stealing" useful trace elements: zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron.

In order for the body to fully absorb all kinds of vitamins and minerals from the contents of the nut, it is necessary to release them, so to speak, "activate", before eating them. The most effective way is soaking, that is, the germination of seeds and nuts.

Method of activating the beneficial properties of nuts (seeds)

To two cups of raw nuts, approximately 580 g, add 2 tablespoons of whey (30 ml) and 1 tablespoon of salt. Whey creates the necessary acidic environment. Instead of whey, you can use lemon juice or kombucha. 

You can also use only salted water for soaking, no whey or lemon juice. Mix all components and fill with water, which should not be higher or lower than room temperature. The water should cover the surface of the nuts. Mix again, leave for a day in a dark place.

When the seeds or nuts are completely wet, the germination process starts. Nuts can be taken out and washed. Next, using a colander, we recline the fruits on a baking sheet to dry. It should be dried in the oven, at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees for 12-24 hours. It takes about 15 hours for hazelnuts and almonds to dry completely. And it will take 10 hours to dry the seeds and walnuts. 

You can taste the readiness of the nuts, if they are crispy, then they are ready. If the nuts are still damp and not dry enough, then the drying time must be extended. Cooked and dried nuts can be stored in the refrigerator, even in the freezer (better than dry freezing). The container must be tightly closed.

Any nuts can be activated in this way, only cashews completely soak when soaked for a long time. Also, flax or chia seeds cannot be soaked this way, so they turn into gelatin.

You can also use nut butters, which are made from unsoaked nuts or seeds. Nut butter can also be made at home, there are many recipes for this.

Eating nuts after soaking is more beneficial for the body, this procedure blocks antinutrients that interfere with the absorption of nuts.

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