No matter who you live with – with husband/wife/parents/children/friends – I always want (and need) to find time to be alone with myself. Everyone knows perfectly well that at the present time there is an abundance of entertainment that involves being on the Internet. However, everyone should be able to properly spend time alone in order to be able to enjoy the benefits of such a pastime. Alone, one has the opportunity to visit places filled with possibilities that are within ourselves.

Stress levels and constant social connections overwhelm people's lives in our time. In such a flow of information and communication, a person often loses a sense of individuality, now he is obliged to plan meetings not with people, but with himself.

A date with yourself – how to have a good time

Set aside three hours a day and spend this time not alone, but with a very important and interesting person – yourself. To do this, you will need: to postpone all business, as before going on a date.

Of course you can just stay at home. However, as practice shows, at home a person often finds things that distract him from the idea of ​​being alone with himself. Therefore, regardless of the chosen place for a date with yourself, in any case, a prerequisite is to turn off all electronic devices (mobile, laptops, computers, etc.).

What can you do at home yourself?

  • Read poetry to get in the right mood;
  • express gratitude to yourself, your home and the people in your life;
  • light a candle and look at the flame;
  • breathe and listen to the rhythm of your breathing;
  • write down thoughts that come to your mind in a notebook;
  • make a list of your positive qualities;
  • Practice creative visualization to help you create pictures, imagine scenarios, or see opportunities.

How to spend time with yourself on the street?

  • take a walk in nature and think;
  • Listen to the birdsong or even the sounds of the city;
  • find a quiet spot in a park or beach and just watch what's going on;
  • go to the museum and enjoy;
  • find an interesting tree or monument and think about how it makes you feel and think;
  • go to a flower shop or garden, contemplate the beauty of the flowers;
  • look up at the sky, look at the clouds.

Have a good time with yourself – Not difficult, not scary and not at all strange. Many people are afraid of silence and solitude because it looks like loneliness. However, after spending time with yourself, you will realize how wonderful it is!

The fact is that people do not pay attention to the whole world inside themselves until they encounter conflict or pain. As a result, they seek solace in alcohol or drugs instead of using their own inner resources. We have been taught to wait for help from outside, but people who take time to be alone with themselves know that it fully “pays off” moments of enlightenment, answers to exciting questions and peace of mind.

Therefore, Estet-portal recommends doing such an “exercise” regularly – and you will learn that it is good to spend time with yourself – it is not only nice, but also very useful.

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