Как улучшить память: не могу вспомнить

Can't find your car keys? Forgot your shopping list? Can't remember the name of the personal trainer you liked at the gym? You are not the only one. Everyone from time to time forgets things somewhere, dates, important information, and in general, you can forget anything. However, memory loss – this is a wake-up call that something needs to be done about it, and not let it take its course. And every second person wonders, how to improve memory?

While there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing memory loss or dementia, a few things can help. Let's take a look at seven easy ways to sharpen your memory and know when to seek help for memory loss.
The Human Brain: Unlimited Possibilities
The human brain has an amazing ability to adapt and change even as we get older. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, change existing connections, and adapt and respond in ever-changing ways.

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The incredible ability of the brain to improve itself is preserved when it comes to memory. You can use the natural power of neuroplasticity to enhance your cognitive abilities, expand your ability to learn new information and improve your memory at any age.

The following few rules will help your memory "stay in shape".

My default imageHow to improve your memory: stay mentally active

Just as physical activity helps keep your body fit, mentally stimulating activities help keep your brain fit - and can curb memory loss. The more you train your brain, the better you will be able to process and remember information. But not all activities are equal. The best brain exercises break your routine and force you to use and develop new brain pathways.

Solve crosswords, play bridge. Learn to play a musical instrument. Become a volunteer in some organization. A million options – desire is important.

Pay attention. You cannot remember something if you have never studied it, and you cannot learn something, i.e. encode it in your brain, if you do not pay enough attention to it. It takes about eight seconds of intense focus to process some of the information in your memory. If you are easily distracted, choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.  My default image

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How the human brain works: 5 myths that science has debunked

Regular communication with friends – panacea for all diseases Research shows that having healthy friendships and a strong support system are vital not only for emotional health, but also for brain health. For example, in one recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest memory decline.  

There are many ways to start enjoying the benefits of socializing and improving your memory from socializing. Social interaction helps prevent depression and stress, which can contribute to memory loss. Look for opportunities to gather with loved ones, friends and others, especially if you live alone.

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Laughter – this is the second best cure for all ills You've heard that laughter is the best medicine

and it's good for the brain, memory and body. Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to certain areas of the brain, laughter affects multiple areas throughout the brain. important for learning and creativity. As noted in his book Emotional Intelligence, Psychologist Daniel Goleman: "Laughter seems to help people think more broadly and communicate more freely."

How to improve memory: food is the best assistant in this matter

Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. You probably already know that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, "healthy" fats (such as olive oil, nuts, fish) and lean protein will bring many health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory. However, it's not just what you eat that matters for brain health, it's also what you don't eat.

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The following nutritional tips will help boost your brain and reduce your risk of dementia.


Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids are especially beneficial for brain health. Fish is a rich source of omega-3s. Recommended: salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring.
If you're not into seafood, consider non-fish omega-3 sources such as seaweed, walnuts, ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil , beans, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin seeds and soybeans.

My default image which can damage brain cells. Among many other benefits, regular consumption of green tea can improve memory and mental alertness and slow brain aging. alcohol because alcohol kills brain cells.

In moderation (about 1 glass per day for women; 2 for men), alcohol can actually improve memory.

Red wine seems to be the best option as it is rich in resveratrol, a flavonoid that increases blood circulation in the brain and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's. Other resveratrol options include grape juice, cranberry juice, fresh grapes and berries, and peanuts.
How to improve your memory with sleep

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get and the amount you need to function at your best. The truth is that over 95% of adults need between 7.5 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Even saving on a few hours matters! Memory, creativity, problem solving and critical thinking skills are all at risk.

But sleep is important for learning and memory in an even more fundamental way. Research shows that sleep is essential for memory consolidation, with key memory-enhancing activities taking place during the deepest stages of sleep.Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning . Try not to break your routine even on weekends and holidays.

Why night work and sleeping in the light are dangerous

Avoid all gadgets at least an hour before bedtime.
Blue light emitted TVs, tablets, phones and computers, wakes you up and suppresses hormones such as melatonin that make you sleepy.

Cut down on caffeine. Caffeine affects people in different ways. Some people are very sensitive, and even morning coffee can interfere with sleep at night. Try cutting back on it or cutting it out completely if you suspect it's affecting you.
Don't neglect chronic disease care

Do you think your memory has deteriorated? If so, health or lifestyle issues may be to blame. A lot of things can affect memory, both mental and other diseases.
Follow your doctor's recommendations for treating any medical conditions such as depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and kidney or thyroid problems.

The better you take care of yourself, the better your memory will be. In addition, consult your doctor regularly regarding medications and vitamins. Various medications can affect memory.

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Take care of your memory from a young age - you only have it

My default imageObviously using a reminder system can help. Setting up an online calendar that sends reminders to your phone helps you keep track of all dates and important appointments. Creating daily to-do lists can ensure that you don't forget important tasks that need to be done.

But what about all the important information you need to actually cement your long term memory? It will take some effort and even require a tweak or a drastic change in your lifestyle
Adhering to the simple recommendations from our editors, your memory will be eternally grateful to you.

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