Какие лекарства можно беременным: когда нужно быть осторожной

Expecting a baby — the happiest and most anxious time for a mother-to-be. After all, any little thing can affect the development of the baby and even jeopardize the pregnancy itself.

I'm especially concerned about any kind of ailment. And the woman faces a dilemma: what will hurt the baby more — mother's disease or treatment of this disease with medicines? And if the development of the fetus depends on the well-being of a woman, then what medications can pregnant women and in in what cases?

What medicines can be used for pregnant women, and in in what cases can dispense without them

First of all, it should be remembered that the expectant mother should take any medications only with the permission of the doctor. The specialist makes a choice in favor of this or that drug, taking into account the benefits of the drug for the woman and the potential risks for the fetus. And only if the first outweighs the second — the drug is considered conditionally safe.

But some groups of medicines should always be kept at hand. They will help to cope with conditions that worsen the well-being of a pregnant woman, and sometimes can cause unpleasant consequences.


Preparations approved for pregnant women may contain specially prepared charcoal or silicon compounds. They are united by the ability to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body. At the same time, the drug "in transit" passes through the entire digestive system without entering the bloodstream. Accordingly, it also cannot penetrate the placental barrier.

They should be taken in cases of food poisoning and SARS — conditions accompanied by severe intoxication.

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It is important to remember: long-term use of enterosorbents is unacceptable, as they absorb molecules of a certain size. And understand that a particular molecule — it is not a toxin, but, for example, vitamin D, they are incapable. Therefore, with prolonged use of them, the likelihood of vitamin deficiency or mineral deficiency increases. Also, with caution, these drugs should be taken by women with a tendency to constipation, since enterosorbents can aggravate stool disorders.

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Drugs of this group help to compensate for the deficiency of fluid and electrolytes, which is expressed in toxicosis in pregnant women. As a rule, such preparations contain glucose, salts of potassium, potassium, sodium and several other components.

You need to take them at the first signs of dehydration (dizziness, dry mouth, decrease in the amount of urine that develop against the background of vomiting).

It's important to remember that rehydrants should be taken with caution if you have swelling. The salts included in the composition of such preparations can increase fluid retention in the body.


Pregnant women are allowed to use paracetamol and preparations in which it is the main active ingredient.

A reason to take a pill or syrup with paracetamol — increase in body temperature above 38.0°C.

It is important to remember: before taking an antipyretic, make sure paracetamol is the only active ingredient. Many combined drugs combine paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine, benzydamine and other components that a pregnant woman should not take without a doctor's permission.

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During pregnancy, heartburn — almost a constant companion of a woman. An exhausting and extremely unpleasant burning sensation forces you to look for a remedy to eliminate this symptom. Pregnant women can take drugs for  heartburn, in which the active ingredient is aluminum salts. Such drugs, getting into the stomach, "deactivate" aggressive components of digestive juices, entering into a chemical reaction with them. And immediately they become useless and, accordingly, harmless for the mother and child.

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If you need to take any other medications, don consider it difficult to contact doctor. Because the independent choice of any remedy can lead, at a minimum, to a deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother. In the worst case, irreversible consequences may develop.

In a word, entrust your health and & nbsp; the health of the child to competent specialists. And then the ailment will recede without harming you.

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