Medicine and treatment

Sour taste in the mouth: from ulcers to diabetes

Кислый привкус во рту: от язвы до сахарного диабета

Quite unexpectedly, a sour taste may appear in the mouth. If nothing containing acid has been eaten before, there is reason to think about the nature of this taste. As a rule, he reports the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, or a violation of the chemical or hormonal balance. This symptom is not capable of unequivocally diagnosing a specific disease, but it can provide  food for medical thought.

The sour taste in the mouth has many shades. Each of them speaks of a separate type of disease. To make your guess as accurate as possible, it is worth linking this symptom with other cash signs.

The editors of decided to deal with the causes of an unpleasant taste in the mouth. 

Sour-sour taste: causes 

It is highly likely that this is the accompanying taste of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Inflammation of the walls of the stomach causes increased acidity. Acid can pass from the stomach into the intestines and give a sour taste in the mouth.

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  • To get rid of this ailment, you need to go on a special diet and take drugs. Medicines must be prescribed by a gastroenterologist on an individual basis.

Sour taste and heaviness in the stomach. Such a set of unpleasant components can be caused by a stomach or duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, gastroduodenitis. In most cases, these symptoms indicate damage to the pancreas.

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  • Often a sour taste with a hint of nausea in the mouth occurs as a result of overeating or eating poor-quality food. These sensations may be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Sweet and sour taste in the mouth can be the result of overeating sugary and dairy products. It can also be caused by abrupt smoking cessation. Often, stress and nervous overload lead to such a consequence, as a result of which the blood sugar level rises significantly.

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This symptom can also be caused by diseases of the oral cavity, as a result of which the local microflora begins to multiply rapidly. Various kinds of ailments, such as caries, gingivitis and periodontitis, lead to this effect.

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The same symptom can warn of the presence of latent (hidden) diabetes mellitus or intoxication of the body. In addition, a sweet and sour taste in the mouth can be a side effect of certain medications. 

A bitter-sour taste in the mouth is a familiar taste to heavy smokers.

 Sour taste with bitterness indicates a reboot of the liver, gallbladder and stomach. It can occur after excessive consumption of fatty or fried foods, as well as alcohol. This effect can be caused by various drugs, including antibiotics. This symptom can also mean dysfunction of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract. Sour-bitter taste most often accompanies diseases such as cholecystopancreatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer. Causes of sour-salty taste 

A sour-salty taste

is often a sign of sialadenitis. It is associated with inflammation of the salivary glands. In addition, there may be simpler reasons for the sour-salty taste. Among them are otolaryngological pathologies, a prolonged runny nose or prolonged lacrimation of accumulated pain, sadness and self-pity.  The same symptom may be associated with Sjogren's disease – chronic lesions of the salivary and lacrimal glands.

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The most common cause is an unbalanced diet and overeating. Excessive consumption of analgesics, tea or coffee leads to a sour-salty taste in the mouth. The same effect is caused by insufficient water intake. The wrong menu provokes various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, which sometimes causes inflammation of the

nasal cavity. Sick teeth cause a sour taste 

Before sounding the alarm, you should pay attention to whether there is something extraneous, alien in the mouth. The presence of a metal crown, prosthesis or piercing in the tongue logically causes a sour-metallic taste in the mouth.  Such sensations excite the blood in the oral cavity. Now we need to understand how she got there. A bitten tongue is not as fundamental a problem as bleeding gums, which can lead to tooth loss.

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The same taste can cause various kinds of dental diseases. Among them are such ailments: stomatitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis. The most common causes are bleeding stomach ulcers and chronic anemia.

A sour metallic taste
can also be a symptom of hormonal imbalance, torn out by pregnancy, puberty, menopause, the menstrual cycle, etc. Anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticholinergic and cardiovascular drugs provide the same effect . Once consumed, the sour metallic taste goes away.

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  • Comments (1)

    31 августа 2015, 09:36

    у меня неприятный привкус появился и особенно после еды, когда была проблема с желчным. иногда даже до рвоты доходило. Пробовала пить сухую расторопшу но это ужасно невыносимо. а потом узнала про Энгилен, капсулы с расторопшей, артишоком и куркумой. 3 недели пропила и чувствую себя совершенно другим человеком

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