Корица для похудения, красоты, здоровья: самые неожиданные способы использования

Perhaps there is no housewife who does not have cinnamon in the kitchen. Aromatic spice complements pastries, giving it an extraordinary taste. Do you know that in ancient times only crowned persons had access to this spice? Now there is no shortage of the product, so you can use the seasoning, like other useful spices, without problems and not only in the kitchen. The properties of cinnamon allow it to be used for various purposes. The editors of estet-portal.com invite you to be the first to find out what unusual options for using spices exist. Learn how to use the product to get the most out of .

1.    Benefits of Cinnamon: Eliminates acne
2.    Hair Lightening – unusual property of cinnamon
3.    Benefits of cinnamon for hair: accelerates growth
4.    Properties of cinnamon: analgesic effect and benefits for the nervous system
5.    Benefits of cinnamon for sexual potential
6.    Cinnamon for weight loss: how to lose weight with spice

Benefits of cinnamon: clears acne

Effective pore cleansing will help get rid of blackheads, and cinnamon is suitable for preparing a mask.

Prepare the product in the following order:
•    mix spice (1 tsp) and ground nutmeg (1 tsp);
•    add 1 tbsp. l. honey;
•    mix well, apply to skin;
•    hold the mask for 15-20 minutes;
•    rinse with warm water.

The composition of this mask prevents the development of bacteria that act as causative agents of acne. The recipe will help relieve inflammation from the skin and moisturize it. The appearance of the skin also changes, becoming fresh and radiant.

Hair Lightening – unusual property of cinnamon

To change the shade of your hair, you don't always want to go to the hairdresser. The extra waste of money and the use of preparations with chemical dyes in salons makes us look for alternative options. At home, you can change the shade of your hair using spice.

Such lightening will not harm either the hair or the scalp. Do not expect a radical change in appearance, but you will notice the effect of application after the first procedure. Since cinnamon dye is harmless, you can use it regularly. The preparation of the mixture for dyeing is calculated depending on the length of the strands. Steam the cinnamon with boiling water, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to it to make a thick mixture. After applying to hair, wrap with a towel (previously wearing a plastic cap) and wait 30 to 60 minutes. Wash off the "paint" it will take a long time, but the result is worth the effort.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair: accelerates growth

Have you noticed that your hair is thinning every day? Don't despair, and aromatic spice will help here. Hair Loss – problem of the present, concerning both women and men. Hair loss is the result of constant stress, lack of sleep, poor environment and a host of other reasons.

If you use a cinnamon hair mask every week, you will improve the condition of the strands. The spice nourishes the hair, makes it look healthy and increases blood flow to the hair follicles.

Hair strengthening mask recipe:
•    mix cinnamon (2 tbsp) with honey (2 tbsp);
•    add 1 egg;
•    pour warm olive oil (1/2 cup) into the mass;
•    apply to wet hair with a comb;
•    hold the mask for 15 minutes;
•    wash off with shampoo.

Properties of cinnamon: analgesic effect and benefits for the nervous system

Inflammation of the joints and muscles – a common occurrence not only in old age. Medications are enough to overcome the problem, but you will get no less effect with cinnamon. For medicinal purposes, use cinnamon oil, which must be rubbed onto problem areas. The tool will also help to relieve pain in case of dislocations, bruises, sprains.

Do you feel like a miserable person? Again, cinnamon helps, the aroma of which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

There are plenty of recipes to cheer up with spices:
•    spread the seasoning sticks around the house;
•    light cinnamon-scented candles;
•    brew a cup of cocoa with spices, etc.

The smell of the seasoning will balance the emotional state, calm, relax, help overcome fear, depression, apathy and fill your home with a calm atmosphere. Benefits of cinnamon for male sexual potential

Oriental spices are considered powerful aphrodisiacs, and cinnamon is on the list of such products. With its help, in a natural way, you can activate male power.

The product has the following effects on the male body:

•    toning;

•    reveals hidden potential;
•    activates male power;
•    increases sexual desire;
•    awakens energy.

In addition to increasing male potency, the benefits of the product for the body of the stronger sex also lie in effective blood thinning. This ability acts as a prevention of the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland


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Cinnamon for weight loss: how to lose weight with spice

Your goal – slim figure? Then stock up on spice and be sure to include it in your diet. If you regularly consume cinnamon, then the metabolism is accelerated, and fat deposits are burned.

In addition to directly losing weight, seasoning in the diet will allow:

•    normalize digestion;

•    overcome bloating;
•    get rid of gas;
•    normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora.

There are many options for using spices in order to lose weight. We offer the most relevant and effective. Drink a glass of kefir or yogurt a couple of hours before bedtime, adding 1 teaspoon of seasoning to it.

Cinnamon – spice with a wide range of uses, which is not limited to your kitchen. The product is used to lose weight, increase sexual desire, strengthen hair, and improve mood. Affordable yet unusual spice uses will help you be healthy and attractive.

So, we managed to reveal many secrets of oriental seasoning. The benefits of cinnamon can hardly be overestimated, try to apply these recipes in your own life, and many of its segments will improve. Women can not only strengthen their hair, but also change their color using seasoning. And for men, by adding cinnamon to the diet, it is possible to increase their sexual performance. Decide for yourself which way you will use to raise your mood or correct your figure. But one conclusion suggests itself: a fragrant seasoning with so many properties must be present in your home.

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