Корпоративная вечеринка на Новый Год: советы по организации

Practically all working people know that "preliminary" variant of the meeting of the New Year – this is a company party. It is held a week, and sometimes two before the start of the holiday, so the solemn atmosphere must be present so that there is something to tell friends and family. Who would be interested in sharing their impressions about eating salads, the chef's only anecdote and incomprehensible dances with drunken colleagues? In order for the New Year's corporate party to be a success, a little effort should be made, and the entire team or a group of people assigned to it should take part in the preparation. Estet-portal.com will tell you the nuances.

Corporate for the New Year: the role of the leader and subordinates

Of course, the boss does not always have time to deal with organizational issues, it is much more important to think, especially on New Year's Eve, how to improve concentration at work, but indifference to the event on his part is unacceptable. Starting the preparatory stage, both the manager and subordinates should follow the following rules:
•    the boss must gather colleagues for a pre-holiday meeting to determine the venue for the corporate party and who is responsible for the solemn scenario;
•    the presence of the manager at the celebration is obligatory, as well as employees who have just taken up their duties, because the party will unite the team;

Corporate party for the New Year: what to consider when preparing

Each holiday and its holding has its own nuances, so that the feast does not turn into a drinking bout, consider the following points when organizing it:

•    include contests and jokes in the script;
•    drinking without a toast is not allowed, let this be the rule of the New Year's table;
•    try to write the script for the whole evening, and not just the introductory part, because when the contests are over, the booze will begin;
•    do not forget about interesting incentives, souvenirs, gifts, invite the management to present holiday bonuses at the party;
•    jokes and dancing –
An interesting holiday will turn out if you plan the scenario by the hour until night, and not for the first three toasts. Dance competitions, comic tales will help create a fun atmosphere.

Given a number of simple rules, you can arrange a fun holiday. The whole team can be involved in the preparation, but if it is not possible, then at least a couple of people who can spend their time creating an interesting celebration.

We organize a bright and unforgettable corporate party for the New Year

If your goal is – a corporate party saturated with positive emotions, then you can’t do without creativity and amateur performances. There are many options for New Year's fun with colleagues. Below we propose to consider some of them:

•    a themed party, and it is not necessary to sew outfits – one matching accessory will suffice (mask, goggles, hat, etc.);

•    a dance marathon that can be combined with karaoke, and the winner will get a bottle of champagne as a prize;
•    Many people like fairy tales in a new way, but they require advance preparation (rehearsals, costumes, etc.);
Corporate party for the New Year: what to consider when preparing

Each holiday and its holding has its own nuances, so that the feast does not turn into a drinking bout, consider the following points when organizing it:

•    include contests and jokes in the script;

•    drinking without a toast is not allowed, let this be the rule of the New Year's table;

•    try to write the script for the whole evening, and not just the introductory part, because when the contests are over, the booze will begin;
•    do not forget about interesting incentives, souvenirs, gifts, invite the management to present holiday bonuses at the party;
•    jokes and dancing –
Corporate for the New Year: an example of a script for the whole night

As previously mentioned, in order not to turn the celebration into a booze, you should write an appropriate script. One of the very interesting options – this is a performance by the clock, it does not affect the overall course of the celebration, but only makes it more interesting. To do this, it is necessary in advance to divide all the participants in the feast into groups. Prepare a small box or bag, in which exactly the number of groups will contain leaflets with a task for the group and the time at which you will need to show everyone the task. For example: "21.00 The group performs the dance of drunken swans" or "19.00 The group shows a sketch of the Bear in the North." So every hour someone from the team will perform, and the evening will become diverse.

Corporate party: preparing toasts and gifts

Interesting toasts will never make a holiday boring, so it's better if the organizers ask colleagues to prepare a speech in advance (you can, and even need to be funny or cool). Naturally, this may not apply to the leader – let his congratulations be the first with summing up the results of the past year.My default imageIf the company does not have the funds to buy symbolic gifts, then you can chip in a little as a team, because this is for the mood of the whole company. It is better to choose prizes that are funny and inexpensive, perhaps with a hint of character or habits, so employees will understand that their habits are well known to colleagues, which means – the team is united.

If you follow the above tips and examples, it will be easier for you to organize a celebration and your corporate party will be active and exciting. But don't forget that each team is different, because, for example, accountants have a completely different mindset compared to dancers.

Therefore, when choosing a scenario, it is better to adjust it taking into account the preferences of the team, but age-specific features should not be taken into account. The predominance of older people in the company does not mean that they do not know how to have fun, and sometimes even on the contrary, young people will sing and dance. The more positive emotions there will be at the New Year's party, the easier it will be to cooperate together in the workplace. Happy corporate party!

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How to look stunning at a New Year's corporate party

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