Vitamin biotin, which is produced by bacteria in our intestines, is the best cosmetic product not only for hair, but also for the skin in general. But only if the environment of intestinal microbes is safe and sound. But it is worth breaking her fragile world with a piece of fatty food or a glass of alcohol, —  and the intake of biotin in the body drops sharply, which immediately affects the appearance. Dry and flabby skin, brittle nails, falling hair, — all this indicates a lack of this  vitamin related to  group B. So it turns out that the best cosmetic product is not expensive drugs at all, but tiny doses of that beauty vitamin, which is biotin.

 Biotin for hair instead of a strengthening cosmetic mask

The mucosa intestinal is a huge factory. Its flora is detrimental to various pathogens. At the same time, it produces vitamins, including biotin, provided that its production is provided by the products entering the body, among which are legumes, seafood, and vegetables. But if, instead of them, harmful ones, like fried potatoes with bacon, eclairs or canned food begin to enter the intestines, then  they can destroy the intestinal environment in just a month and a half.

Because biotin is the main source of sulfur — one of the main building materials of cells — then its lack immediately has a destructive effect on the appearance: the skin of the face becomes dry, nails — brittle, and hair thin and dull.

Lack of biotin in the body causes:

  • fatigue;
  • irritability, depression;
  • oily or dry skin;
  • seborrhea, severe hair loss;
  • gray color of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • severe muscle pain.

Biotin for hair is not in a pharmacy, but in a special diet 

European scientists conducted an interesting experiment. For three months, they gave 25 grams of biotin to drink to people who had brittle nails. During this time, the nail plates of the respondents not only strengthened, but also became thicker by more than a quarter.

It can be assumed that along the way, the participants of the experiment improved their skin condition, and their hair became stronger. And this is not the only quality that biotin has. We will not talk about the versatility of its effects and participation in many processes of the body. In this article, he interests us exclusively as a cosmetic product, which, moreover, is obtained completely free of charge. Main — treat your body with respect. If he fails, do not rush to run to the pharmacy. Look at your menu first. How often do you see foods on your plate that help produce this vitamin? We suggest you remember them and make a special diet for hair.
Foods that are high in biotin:

  • liver, ham;
  • bran bread;
  • cottage cheese, eggs;
  • carrots, tomatoes;
  • Greek nuts, almonds, peanuts;
  • seafood (sardines).

You won't find a tastier and healthier medicine. It is this that will turn on the production of biotin, and he will already do his job perfectly. This is proved by the fact that newborns who were deficient in biotin had practically no eyebrows and eyelashes. The introduction of vitamin beauty products into the menu made it possible to quickly solve this problem and protect the fragile organisms of babies from the heavy effects of medicines. 

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