Лечение протрузии: к какому врачу обращаться

Protrusion – this is the exit of the vertebral disc beyond the vertebra itself, in which it retains its integrity. Protrusion precedes a hernia of the spine and is not an independent disease. That is why it needs to be treated as early as possible to avoid more serious consequences.

Protrusion treatment – this is a whole complex of measures that first help relieve pain, then gradually help the disc to take its normal place.

Which doctor should I contact if there is a suspicion of protrusion? The site estet-portal.com will tell you about this.

1. Protrusion: how the symptoms of the disease appear
2. Protrusion treatment: pain relief
3. Treatment of protrusion and behavior of the patient

Protrusion: how the symptoms of the disease appear

Symptomology of protrusion depends on which part of the spine the disc has been damaged.

So, if it is localized in the lumbar region, it manifests itself in this way:

• pain in the lumbar region and legs;

• leg weakness, feeling of numbness;

• problems with urination.

Protrusion of the vertebral section manifests itself as pain between the shoulder blades, as well as a feeling of numbness in the chest area. The pain may be girdle character – when both the back and the chest hurt.

Protrusion of the cervical region affects not only the neck area directly, but also manifests itself as a headache.

Protrusion – these are not ordinary back pains, but a whole complex of symptoms that cannot be ignored or treated on their own.

In addition, the following symptoms are typical:

• weakness and numbness of the hands;

• limited mobility of the neck;

• pain may radiate to the shoulder blade or arm.

Thus, protrusion interferes with the usual way of life, causes obvious discomfort. The pain may worsen at night, which affects the quality of sleep – and in the morning a person feels overwhelmed and tired. Timely treatment will not only relieve you of pain, but also prevent the appearance of intervertebral hernia.

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Protrusion treatment: pain relief

At the first signs and suspicion of protrusion, you need to contact a neurologist. He will conduct an initial examination, refer you for examination and to other specialists to clarify the diagnosis. Only on the basis of a comprehensive examination and examination can treatment be prescribed.

The first step will be the removal or reduction of the pain syndrome. For this, painkillers are prescribed by the type of analgesics. They are taken orally, only in some cases a different route of administration is prescribed (if there are disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract). Additionally, ointments and creams with anti-inflammatory action are used.

It is important to relieve muscle spasm, which inevitably accompanies the disease, in case of protrusion. For this, the doctor will prescribe muscle relaxants. Their reception will be needed in the future, when physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are prescribed for treatment.

The fixation corset must not be worn for more than 4 consecutive hours.

In addition, the following is recommended to the patient:

• limit motor activity – in the first 4 days of treatment, bed rest will be the best solution;

• wearing a fixing corset or orthopedic belt in case of static load or during movement;

• do not engage in heavy lifting, do not work in conditions with increased vibration load on the spine;

• static loading is also contraindicated.

But what you should do is go to the pool for swimming, go for walks. If you have been involved in sports before, then you should leave – till full recovery.

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Treatment of protrusion and behavior of the patient

Comprehensive treatment is started when the acute period of the disease has passed. In this case, the reduction or removal of pain does not mean a complete recovery – You just got rid of the symptoms.

Complex therapy consists of the following components:

1. Taking medication – in particular, chondroprotectors. In some cases, intramuscular administration of the drug is possible. To restore nutrition and improve metabolic processes in the disk, biogenic stimulants and vitamin complexes are prescribed. Anesthetics and corticosteroids may be administered to relieve pain.

2. Therapeutic massage and manual therapy – for this you should contact only an experienced specialist. If he is not qualified, then the condition will only worsen, complications are possible. Apply and traction of the spine – this increases the distance between the vertebrae, relieves the pressure of the roots. The expansion of the intervertebral fissure by literally a few millimeters allows you to get rid of protrusion. The massage also proved to be good.

3. Reflexology – the complex includes electrical stimulation, UHF, ultraphonophoresis.

4. Therapeutic exercise – it will help strengthen the muscles that support the spinal column, improve blood circulation, and prevent the onset of the disease in the future.

After undergoing treatment, a person can return to their usual way of life – but for the prevention of relapse, the following recommendations should be observed:

• you need to sleep on orthopedic pillow and a semi-hard mattress.
• avoid stress on the spine in a tilted or bent position.
• learn how to lift weights correctly: you need to do this with a flat back.
• avoid heavy physical or static loads, hypothermia.
• if you are overweight, you need to lose weight, because this is – additional load on the spine.
• the diet should be rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
• regularly exercise, but don't stress your spine.

If the conservative method of treatment has not yielded results within 8-16 weeks, then the doctor may decide on the surgical treatment of the protrusion. But in 90% of cases this will not be necessary, because non-invasive therapy gives a good result.

You can not completely exclude sports from your life, because physical inactivity is harmful to the body as a whole.

Protrusion treatment – it is a complex process consisting of two stages. First you need to remove the pain syndrome, and only then you can start therapy. It consists of taking painkillers, therapeutic massage, stretching the spine, reflexology and exercise therapy.

During this period, you need to wear a supporting corset, but not more than 4 hours in a row. Limit physical activity, but not completely – you can walk, swim, a set of exercises prescribed by a doctor.

After recovery, it is important to prevent a recurrence of the disease. To do this, avoid heavy physical exertion, sleep on an orthopedic mattress, eat right, watch your weight, lift weights properly.

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