Pregnancy – this is not just a crucial period when you should pay attention to your health, but also monitor the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. A mother bears a huge responsibility for her life and the life of her child. To protect yourself and prevent problems, you need to clearly know what dangers lie in the treatment of teeth, when it is possible to treat, and when it is not worth it. In the article on, we will consider how dental treatment affects the health of mother and baby, what is allowed to be done, and which dental procedures are better to postpone.

What is important to remember to ensure that dental treatment during pregnancy goes smoothly

Gynecologists and dentists say that thanks to modern technology, dental treatment during pregnancy can be easy and not harm the woman or the fetus. It is extremely necessary to treat caries or other diseases, because any pathological processes in the oral cavity can threaten the life and development of the baby.

If future parents are planning a child, you should visit the dentist before conception in order to treat all diseases and carry out the necessary manipulations for prevention.

In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, when a woman is concerned about toothaches, bleeding gums and other equally dangerous symptoms, she should immediately seek help from a dentist who will choose a safe method of treatment.

The doctor will also advise at what stage of pregnancy it is possible to carry out medical procedures and recommend preventive measures.

What dental diseases can be treated during pregnancy

If caries has just begun to affect the teeth, then its treatment can occur without anesthesia. The deep degree of spread of the disease leads to aggravation of the condition of the teeth and an inflammatory process is triggered, which requires the removal of the nerve. Removal of the nerve without anesthesia, exactly as with the use of an anesthetic injection, – not safe for a pregnant woman.

As for the choice of filling for tooth restoration, there are no restrictions. Neither the chemical composition of the filling nor the light curing method will harm the mother and child.

In extreme cases, pregnant women are anesthetized with topical drugs that do not cross the placenta and do not constrict blood vessels.

During the period of bearing a baby, the following diseases can be treated:

  • pulpitis and periodontitis;
  • caries;
  • odontogenic periostitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis.

Prosthetics are also completely safe for pregnant women. It is contraindicated at any time to carry out dental implantation. For the implant to take root, the body needs to expend too much energy, which is necessary for the development of the child.

X-rays are prohibited at any stage of pregnancy. Only in case of emergency – the stomach is covered with a special lead apron.


Read also: Anesthesia for dental treatment: how to get rid of pain

What medical procedures in the oral cavity are prohibited during the period of bearing a child

Exclusions and contraindications include cosmetic procedures:

  • enamel whitening;
  • teeth strengthening;
  • dental calculus removal;
  • bite correction.

These procedures use strong chemical compounds that are harmful to the life of the mother and fetus. In addition, it is forbidden to remove teeth during pregnancy, especially for wisdom teeth. If it is extremely necessary to remove a decayed tooth for a pregnant woman, this should not be done in the 1st trimester.

Dental care during pregnancy: timing guideline

In the second trimester, you can take care of your smile and start dental treatment during pregnancy to prevent the spread of bacteria. The first trimester is characterized by the initial formation of the placenta, so the baby is at risk due to the low protective barrier. As for the third trimester, the female body is even more depleted, so any manipulation can be harmful.

The second trimester is considered the most suitable time for dental treatment. The task of the dentist: to cure damaged teeth and prevent possible problems in the oral cavity.

In the third trimester, the uterus is especially sensitive to all external influences. Therefore, dentists, together with gynecologists, warn about possible problems with the course of pregnancy during dental treatment.

Preventive measures

  • Use dental floss after every meal;
  • brush your teeth twice a day – morning and evening;
  • Whitening pastes are not recommended;
  • toothbrush should be soft to medium soft;
  • use different brands of toothpastes;
  • eat dairy products every day;
  • Take vitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor.

Dental treatment during pregnancy is fraught with many risks, but it is an extremely necessary measure for the normal well-being of the mother and the development of the fetus.

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