Методы омоложения для мелкоморщинистого типа старения

Every living thing grows, develops and, unfortunately, grows old. This applies not only to animals or plants – man is equally subject to this irreversible process. The first signs of aging that nature "bestows" on skin on the face: wrinkles, ptosis, loss of volume, rosacea, sagging and dullness of the dermis. Each person develops according to his type and withers according to his own type of aging.

In this article, we will look at the types of skin aging. By the type of aging, you can determine which rejuvenation methods are best suited to turn back the clock, getting rid of unwanted signs of aging.

Fine wrinkled type of aging

It is thin people who are prone to this type of aging. Their skin is excessively dry, thin, and possibly patchy; in the process of aging, it becomes covered with fine wrinkles. The skin loses moisture and becomes thinner every year. With age, the supportive collagen network on the skin loses its elasticity and begins "irreversible"; wrinkling process.

Mimic muscles lose their tone, become lethargic and flabby. The face changes its shape, wrinkles and shrinks like the skin of a baked apple. This process is associated with a significant decrease in the thickness of the fat layer under the skin.

Main signs of fine wrinkled aging:

  • flabbiness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes;
  • "corrugation" is formed on the chin and cheeks;
  • dryness, dehydration, rough skin;
  • significant reduction in – the skeleton becomes more pronounced;
  • skin vulnerability.


The skin of this type of aging is exposed to strong environmental influences and is constantly damaged: irritation, redness, dryness appear at the slightest breeze or frost. On the way of aging, finely wrinkled skin type is characterized by signs of rosacea and markers of photoaging. True, this type is almost not subject to ptosis due to weak subcutaneous fat. Thus, a clear oval is preserved without deformation changes in facial features. 

Women who are characterized by this type of skin aging notice the first signs of skin aging already after 30 years – this is the starting point when it is necessary to use all available methods to preserve the appearance of the skin. Consider the rejuvenation methods for the finely wrinkled type of aging.

Rejuvenation methods for fine wrinkled aging

By carefully examining your facial skin and identifying your type of aging as fine wrinkled, there is a chance to prevent some of the possible effects of aging through rejuvenation methods such as cosmetic procedures and professional products.

As for cosmetics, moisturizing cosmetics, protective creams from wind and frost are best, sun protection, nourishing masks are mandatory. High-quality cosmetics for protection against ultraviolet radiation are of great importance for maintaining youth and fine-wrinkled skin, since in this case the skin is constantly subjected to photoaging.

In addition to cosmetic products, it is worth paying attention to sufficient humidification of the air in the house and at the workplace in order to prevent the air and, accordingly, the skin from drying out. 

It will become more and more difficult to keep this type of skin within the framework of youth and beauty every year, so you need to contact a cosmetologist as soon as possible to start therapy using professional cosmetic procedures.

What can be achieved through procedures:

  • restore water balance in the skin;
  • stimulate microcirculation;
  • activate the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Procedures are also needed to fight wrinkles, restore the tone of mimic muscles, to restore volume and fullness of the face. Suitable techniques might be:

  • biorevitalization;
  • ultrasound and microcurrent therapy
  • ; botulinum therapy;
  • bio-reinforcement;
  • contour plasty based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations;
  • mesotherapy and homeomesotherapy;
  • peelings
  • of laser or chemical type.
  • You can also turn to surgical methods to eliminate the signs of aging. Suitable lipofilling – injection of human adipose tissue under the skin. This practice is designed to restore the volume of the face and give the skin radiance and smoothness:


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