Нейтральные и опасные пищевые добавки Е – красный и зеленый списки

People who seek to buy products without food additives "E" are practically doomed to failure. Finding them is very difficult, but it is not necessary. The good news is that not all E-supplements are bad, some are even good. It is worth learning to identify dangerous food additives E and to be calm about neutral ones, because the main struggle for healthy diet — be guided by common sense. The editors of estet-portal.com offer an overview, thanks to which you can easily select high-quality and safe products.

What does it mean and how is the codification system E


Food additives are any substances that are intended to improve certain properties of foods (color, smell, taste, texture, shelf life). They can be both natural and synthetic. These substances perform an auxiliary function and by themselves are not food. In according the classification accepted in Europe they are denoted by the letter "E", and the numeric code that follows it serves to identify the components.

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Code numbers indicate the main function of additives and are divided by hundreds:

  • E100-199. Dye group. These are substances designed to impart an appetizing color to food.

  • E200-299. A group of preservatives. Their task — chemical protection of products from  microorganisms that cause decay.

  • E300-399. Group of antioxidants. They are needed so that the food does not spoil, does not change color and taste under the influence of oxidation processes.

  • E400-499. A group of stabilizers and thickeners. Many products change their consistency when stored — become thinner or thicker. To prevent this, manufacturers use stabilizing agents.

  • E500-599. A group of emulsifiers. Often, the composition of food includes components that cannot be mixed (for example, oils do not dissolve in water). Emulsifiers are used to prevent the finished products from separating.

  • E600-699. Amplifier group. The appetizing smell and pronounced taste of many products are obtained with the help of substances that enhance natural properties.

  • E900-999. A group of defoamers, leavening agents and sweeteners. These substances are often added to baked goods, confectionery, including dietary ones.

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The classification cannot be considered absolutely accurate, since many substances are capable of performing several functions. But thanks to it you can orient yourself in the main properties of nutritional supplements.

Read also: 5 most dangerous food additives on your table

Red List: Dubious and Dangerous Food Additives E

Put aside foodstuffs whose packaging shows questionable and dangerous nutritional supplements E additives:

  • E102. This substance is banned in several countries because it may cause asthma attacks.

  • E110. Harmful additive causing nausea, allergic reactions.

  • E122. Powerful allergen.

  • E123. Substance is harmful to the kidneys, contraindicated in pregnant women as it may cause malformations in the baby.

  • E124. The additive causes attacks in asthmatics, promotes the development of oncology.

  • E127. This substance leads to an overactive thyroid gland.

  • E129. Carcinogenic.

  • E132. Provokes nausea, attacks of hypertension, allergic reactions.

  • E200. Causes allergic reactions.

  • E210. Suspected to be a carcinogen.

  • E211. Suspected to be a carcinogen.

  • E216-E217. Potential carcinogens.

  • E220. The additive is harmful to the intestines.

  • E221. The substance causes kidney failure, asthma attacks, impairs the absorption of vitamins.

  • E235. Disrupts the digestive tract.

  • E249. Suspected to be a carcinogen.

  • E250. Suspected to be a carcinogen.

  • E251. Carcinogenic substance.

  • E322. This code encodes lecithins that do not harm a person. In many ways, the effect on the body is due to the origin of the additive. In the  food industry, substances derived from  transgenic soybeans are often used, and they are dangerous.

  • E450. Causes osteoporosis, contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

  • E512. Disrupts the digestive tract.

  • E621. In case of overdose, disrupts the digestive tract.

  • E926. Carcinogenic substance.

  • E951. This substance is known as aspartame and is found in carbonated drinks, sugary foods. It is extremely harmful. Causes allergic reactions, negatively affects brain activity, can provoke headache attacks.

  • E952. Suspected to be a carcinogen. It was banned in Great Britain, USA.

Hazardous food additives  E are most often found in  semi-finished products, soda, snacks. You should avoid fast foods, chips, fast food, dubious sweets with an unnatural taste. They are really capable of causing irreparable harm to the body.

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Pay attention! Although there are no labels on fresh fruits, they may also contain some unsafe substances (E230 and E231). They treat the peel of the fruit to protect against & nbsp; mold. So wash your fruit thoroughly in warm water.

Read also: Why you can't use iodized salt and how to use it

Green List E: Healthy & Safe Supplements

Say yes products containing the following substances:

  • E101. Common name — riboflavin. It's a useful addition — vitamin B2.

  • E140. Common name — chlorophyll. It is in all green plants. It won't do any harm.

  • E152. Common name — coal. Safe substance.

  • E160a. Common name — carotenes. The body synthesizes vitamin A from them.

  • E161b. Common Name — lutein. Useful supplement to help improve eyesight.

  • E163. Common name — anthocyanins. These are dyes of plant origin, which are contained in flowers.

  • E181. Common name — tannins. Safe substances with  astringent properties.

  • E202. Common name — potassium sorbate. Safe preservative.

  • E260. Common name — acetic acid. Safe ingredient.

  • E296. Common name — Apple acid. Neutral component.

  • E270. Common name — lactic acid. A safe substance found in all fermented milk products.

  • E290. Common name — carbon dioxide. Harmless.

  • E300. Common name — vitamin C. It is also known as vitamin C.

  • E306-E309. Common name — tocopherols. It's vitamin E.

  • E406. Common name — agar-agar. This is a vegetable analogue of gelatin, derived from algae.

  • E440. Common name — pectins. Useful substances that improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • E500. Common name — soda. Safe substance.

  • E507. Common name — hydrochloric acid. There is nothing wrong with it, since such an acid is synthesized by the human body and serves to digest food.

  • E641. Common name — L-leucine. Useful component. Amino acid.

  • E642. Common name — lysine. Also applies to amino acids.

  • E-916, E917. Common name — calcium iodate. This is iodine, so necessary for the body.

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The list of neutral E-additives is extensive. These are those substances that will not harm the body. If you see them in composition of foodstuffs, take it easy. You can safely buy such food without worrying about health.

Read also: How to maintain the beauty and health of hair: the possibilities of bioadditives

Highlights on dangerous and safe food additives

Far from  always "E" in products — it is dangerous. There are many useful and & nbsp; neutral additives. To buy only healthy food, follow these simple rules:

  • Study the composition. Don't be afraid to buy products with neutral additives, but stay away from dangerous ones.

  • Choose reliable brands. Select manufacturers that have not been caught in bad faith.

  • Doubt — postpone. If you don't remember if the additive that caught your attention is harmful, it's best to put the product back on the shelf. In          

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Avoid unhealthy foods — sweet soda, chips, snacks and semi-finished products. There is definitely nothing useful in  for health, nor for the figure.

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