Первая медицинская помощь при ожогах: действуем грамотно

Burn — Injury from  high temperature or chemicals. According to the WHO, burns rank second after injuries from accidents. In in an emergency, you must not waste time, but act. And act wisely. With a simple set of knowledge, everyone can alleviate the condition of the victim. Main — don don panic and consistently follow simple rules. For proper first aid for burns, it is important to consider the degree of tissue damage.

  1. Standard Burn Depth Classification
  2. First Aid for Burns: 5 Important Rules
  3. When burn care is effective

Standard classification of burns by depth of impact

  • I degree — affects the upper layer of the epithelium and is characterized by redness, slight swelling and pain. This degree does not require hospital treatment, and the wound heals on its own 2 — 3 days.

  • II degree — deeply affects the epithelium of the pre-growth layer. The external signs are the same as with the first degree burn, but blisters with serous contents appear. The wound heals 1 — 2 weeks.

  • III degree is determined by injury to the dermis, the formation of blisters with serous fluid and blood, ulcers and scabs. The victim may not feel pain, as the sensitivity receptors are affected.

  • IV degree — the most dangerous and  severe condition. In this case, all layers of the skin are damaged up to  subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles and bones.

With this knowledge, you can help quickly and competently.

First Aid for Burns: 5 important rules

The general meaning of pre-medical therapy lies in  consistent and correct actions. Forget all folk remedies that are taken from unverified sources, are distorted, and in the end give a negative effect.


  • Eliminate the damaging factors, remove the objects that caused the injury, remove the clothes. First aid for sunburns — take the victim into the  shadow.

  • Cool the wound under running cold water for 15 — 20 minutes. If this is not possible, then you can use a wet, clean gauze pad that covers the injured area. Only burns of 1 and 2 degrees are cooled. However, first aid for chemical burns does not include the use of wet swabs, in case of lime and sulfuric acid damage. There is a risk that the chemical will penetrate deep into the skin. In these cases, remove the irritant with a dry cloth.

For III and IV degree burns, it is impossible to cool the wound. It should be covered with a clean dry cloth to prevent infection.

  • Give painkillers: paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. Apply panthenol. It has a soothing, decongestant, and pain reliever. For first aid for burns with boiling water, Solcoseryl ointment can be used.

  • Apply a gauze bandage. Any clean cloth will do. The bandage must not compress the wound.

  • Call an ambulance. It should be noted that 1 and 2 degree burns are usually treated at home. They require inpatient treatment in cases of damage to more than 10% of the body, if the face, neck, perineum are affected.

What not to do:

  • Apply various oils and fats to skin. They prevent heat transfer, which must be increased.

  • Use alcohol-based products. They can only aggravate the condition.

  • Remove clothing that is stuck to skin.

  • Puncture bubbles at home. There is a high risk of infection.

  • Use cotton. Its fibers quickly dry to the wound.

  • Apply antibacterial ointments in the first hours after a burn.

When burn care will be effective

Regardless of the nature of the burn, be it boiling water burn, sunburn or chemical burn, the system of successive steps is the same. Only with the right and  prompt actions can you help the victim without aggravating his condition.

Read also: Clearly about important: first aid in pictures

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