Beauty and health

Pilates for the spine - effective exercises for solving back problems

Пилатес для позвоночника – эффективные упражнения для решения проблем спины

Problems with the spine, such as a protrusion or herniated disc, limit a person's mobility and can cause extreme pain. In order to restore flexibility to the back, the patient needs to strengthen the muscles of the back and restore lost flexibility after the pain syndrome has been relieved.

In this case, the appropriate exercises are prescribed by a doctor, and today we will talk about the role Pilates plays for the spine and why this type of exercise is recommended not only for healthy people, but also in case of diseases of the spine.

Pilates for the spine – a bit of history and features of the exercises

This system of exercises was created by the physician Josef Pilates in the first half of the 20th century. The program he developed was used to rehabilitate soldiers during the First World Wave.

They say that Pilates himself, thanks to his technique, was able, despite asthma and rickets, to become a professional athlete.

Pilates for the spine is beneficial for several reasons:

  • strengthens the back muscles and increases their elasticity;
  • helps reduce stress on the spine;
  • helps regain flexibility.

Another advantage of Pilates for the spine is the minimal risk of injury. And since regular Pilates exercises help strengthen the muscular corset, the spine receives the necessary support and the risk of protrusion (and, accordingly, hernia) of the intervertebral discs is reduced. Moreover, Pilates can also be effective for curvature of the spine and frequent back pain, as such exercises:

  • do not represent significant physical activity;
  • improve posture;
  • allow you to learn how to breathe correctly.

Examples of Pilates exercises for the spine

Before performing Pilates exercises for the spine, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since this set of exercises also has contraindications, for example:

  • diseases (viral and colds);
  • presence of tumors;
  • injuries (fractures, tears, sprains).

Read also: "Pilates for beginners"

Rehabilitation after injuries with the help of Pilates (as well as other exercises) is possible after the return of bones and muscles to a normal state, i.e. the relevance of these exercises is determined by the doctor, based on the current state of the patient.

For example, here are some Pilates exercises for the back:

Exercise 1

Stretch the spine, using the flexor muscles and – extensors of the spine, as well as the muscles of the abdomen, the following sequence of actions will help:

  • sit on the floor on your sitting bone;
  • stretch your arms forward, spreading them shoulder-width apart;
  • relax your shoulders and align your spine;
  • toes pointing up;
  • take a deep breath;
  • as you exhale, slowly lower yourself forward, rounding your spine – start tilting from the head;
  • inhale again and, exhaling, smoothly return to the starting position, starting from the lumbar vertebrae and ending with the cervical vertebrae;
  • repeat 4 times.


Exercise 2

The following exercise will provide stretching of the muscles of the back and abs:

  • lie on your back;
  • Raise your shoulders and head;
  • raise one leg (straight) above the floor at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • bring the second leg (bent at the knee) in the direction of the chest;
  • keep your shoulders back;
  • swap your legs.


Exercise 3

This Pilates spine exercise strengthens the lower back and abs. Attention! Exercise is contraindicated in spinal stenosis!

  • lie down on your stomach;
  • Spread outstretched arms and legs;
  • take a breath;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles;
  • raise your chest and head off the floor;
  • inhale and lift your right arm and left leg (or vice versa);
  • breathe for a count of 5;
  • raise your other arm and leg.


Exercise 4


  • back extensors;
  • abs muscles;
  • muscles of the hamstring.


  • lie on your back;
  • bend your knees;
  • put your feet hip-width apart;
  • hands lie along the body with palms down;
  • breathe;
  • exhale;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles;
  • slowly, vertebra by vertebrae, lift the pelvis;
  • lifting the pelvis, take a deep breath;
  • exhaling, slowly lower yourself down, vertebra by vertebra, starting from the neck.


Pilates for the spine – a great way to keep your back in excellent condition (unless, of course, you have no contraindications for this type of exercise).

To make sure that the movements are performed correctly, it is better to start exercising with an instructor. But even in this case, it is necessary to listen to your body, if pain occurs, stop doing the exercise, do not make sudden movements, monitor your breathing.

  • Comments (1)

    15 марта 2016, 21:02

    Да, я согласна, пилатес очень "щадящая" гимнастика, и действенный способ поддерживать мышцы спины в тонусе!

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