Age-related changes affect all organs and structures in the human body, but, first of all, they are reflected in the skin. First of all, these changes affect the skin of the face: mimic wrinkles are formed, gravitational tissue ptosis and other signs of aging occur. But not only the face is an open area, the chin and neck also easily give out the true age of a person. In this article on you will learn about the combination of two surgical techniques for effective neck and chin surgery: platysmaplasty and neck liposuction.

Combination of liposuction and platysmaplasty for neck and chin surgery

Combination of platysmaplasty and neck liposuction – it is an effective combined method of rejuvenation of this area.

With age, gravitational ptosis of tissues occurs, the skin of the neck becomes flabby and sags, a second chin is formed.

Surgery effectively helps to eliminate the signs of aging in such a delicate area as the neck. To achieve the best result of neck and chin surgery, plastic surgeons combine platysmaplasty with neck liposuction. Thanks to this approach, doctors manage to rejuvenate the neck area as much as possible, perform tissue tightening and eliminate the second chin.

Plasty of the neck and chin:

  • in what cases is neck and chin plastic surgery indicated;
  • neck and chin plasty technique using a combination of methods;
  • benefits of neck and chin surgery.

In what cases is neck and chin plasty indicated

The main indication for neck and chin plastic surgery by platysmaplasty in combination with liposuction is the presence of flabbiness of the neck tissues and a pronounced double chin. In such a clinical situation, one of these techniques is not enough to achieve the best aesthetic result, so experts offer a combination of two surgical techniques in one operation. Thus, the patient is once introduced into the state of anesthesia and receives the effect of liposuction of the chin and neck lift after the operation. Contraindications to surgery may include:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • skin diseases in the surgical area;
  • severe chronic diseases of the body;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • autoimmune connective tissue diseases.

Neck and chin plastic surgery technique using a combination of methods

Plasty of the neck and chin is carried out in several stages:

  • after performing a transverse skin incision of 3-4 cm in the chin area, liposuction of the neck is performed using vacuum aspiration. Through the introduction of cannulas, excess subcutaneous adipose tissue is removed and the problem of the second chin is solved;
  • further cervicoplasty is performed – excision and tightening of sagging excess skin tissues;
  • deep platysmaplasty involves detachment of the platysma and removal of fatty tissue underneath, after which the skin is additionally incised from the temporal region to the behind-the-ear region, the subcutaneous muscle is pulled up and fixed in the behind-the-ear region. If there is a pronounced discrepancy between the median edges of the muscle, surgeons perform medial platysmaplasty or its combination with lateral.

The average duration of surgery is 1-2 hours.


Benefits of neck and chin surgery

Performing a neck and chin lift has a number of benefits. Thanks to the combination of liposuction and platysmaplasty, a whole range of positive changes is provided:

  • patient getting rid of "double chin"
  • liquidation of neck skin laxity and wrinkling in this area;
  • eliminates the effect of sagging neck;
  • using the method, you can completely correct the "turkey neck";
  • it is possible to restore the clarity of the angle of the junction of the neck to the face.

Neck and chin lift – this is the right choice, which will help the patient regain youth, attractiveness and self-confidence in their own beauty.

After the operation, the patient receives a pronounced effect of rejuvenation, which lasts for a long time and pleases him every day.

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