At the beginning of every beach season, most girls suffer from the same problem - cellulite. And although it is more difficult to cope with it than buying a new swimsuit, it is still possible. Today, the editors of Estet-portal will tell you what simple and regular exercises will help get rid of cellulite and what needs to be done for this.

Proper nutrition is the key to smooth skin

Do you want smooth skin? be patient and carefully review your diet. First remove from it:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol and cigarettes.

There is nothing to discuss here: to look healthy, just forget all harmful weaknesses.

Maintain nutritional emphasis on fresh, lean, yet nutrient-dense foods. It is recommended to give preference to complex carbohydrates:

  • fruit;
  • raw vegetables;
  • whole grain products;
  • beans.

One of the most effective products that work for your even, beautiful skin is grapefruit. It is this citrus that contains a special substance - the flavonoid naringin, when passing through the intestinal wall, it turns into naringenin, which can affect insulin secretion. When insulin is secreted in the required amount, the body, firstly, is not threatened by uncontrolled bouts of hunger, and secondly, the body stops making excess fat reserves.

During the anti-cellulite diet, it is recommended to eat about 200 grams of grapefruit pulp, moreover, along with a film that separates the slices from each other. It is in this film that the highest content of naringin is found.
But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the acids contained in grapefruit will also enter the stomach in excess. This can lead to aggravation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you have any, then you should consult with your doctor about the use of grapefruit in such quantities.
In addition, do not forget about drinking. So, a person needs to drink about 30 ml of pure water per kg of weight per day, not taking into account the use of tea, fruit drinks and soups.

Physical activity is the key to tightened skin

In order to beat cellulite as quickly as possible, you need to move every day. It could be a run in the park or a walk to work. The weather is beautiful now, so walking down the street, instead of pushing in public transport, will only be a pleasure. Put on comfortable shoes and go to work, and you can change your favorite shoes on the spot.

Ride a bike, swim, walk with friends in the park on the weekends - in short, choose the type of activity that you like, and your legs, buttocks and hips provide physical activity. In addition, at home you can do lunges with dumbbells - exercises that are more effective for fighting cellulite have not yet been invented.

Cosmetic care - the final chord in the fight against cellulite

Of course, do not forget about cosmetic skin care. At the same time, it is worth remembering that all cosmetic products are beneficial only in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity. So, the best way to deal with cellulite is to help:

1. Cold and hot shower. Take it every morning. It is very useful to massage the thighs and other problem areas with water jets of different temperatures. This improves blood circulation and increases the flow of oxygen to the tissue.
2. Massage. While still in the shower, massage problem areas with a special massager or a rough glove. Both do not cost a lot of money, and the effect of daily use will definitely be.
3. Anti-cellulite products. If you lie on the couch, gobble up cakes and occasionally apply such a remedy, then we hasten to upset you - it will not help. The action of anti-cellulite products only accelerates the effect that you achieve from a balanced diet and exercise. In this case, the result of their application will be visible after a month.

Finally, I would like to note that there can be many reasons for the appearance of cellulite and not all of them are cosmetic. Therefore, if you suspect or have other health problems, you should consult your doctor. We hope that our tips for fighting cellulite will be useful. The editors of Estet-portal wish you always to be beautiful and healthy, and we will be engaged in further preparations for the summer season together. Follow the news carefully, because there are many more interesting things waiting for you.

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