Подготовка к зачатию ребенка: советы будущим мамам и папам

The desire to conceive a child for many girls is a powerful incentive to adjust their lifestyle and make it healthier: carefully monitor nutrition, limit unnecessary medication, reduce exercise intensity, and, of course, give up bad habits. Undoubtedly, taking care of your own body – an extremely important first step for those who want to get pregnant, since it is the female body that will be a cozy home for the future son or daughter for the whole 9 months. However, preparation for conception – task not only for women, but also for men. What needs to be taken into account in order to conceive a child, estet-portal.com will tell expectant mothers and fathers in this article.

Preparing for conception – the most important stage for expectant mothers and fathers

One of the first and main points of preparation for conceiving a child is to check the health status of both partners. This is necessary in order to timely identify possible risks to the health of the baby, as well as to eliminate factors that impede the plans of future parents.

You should also consult a doctor if, after a year of trying, a woman fails to conceive. In this case, it will also be necessary to undergo an examination, after which the doctor will offer possible options for fertilization (for more details: IVF). Before conception, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary studies and tests. For example:

  • pelvic ultrasound,
  • general blood tests
  • urinalysis,
  • tests for infections,
  • determination of blood type and Rh factor,
  • Hormonal testing.

Also, in terms of preparing for conception, expectant mothers are advised to visit a dentist to eliminate all existing problems and receive recommendations on nutrition and dental care during pregnancy.

One of the first and main points of preparation for conceiving a child is to check the health of both partners.

Before conceiving a child, a man also needs to visit a urologist, who will conduct an examination and determine the condition of the genital organs, prescribe tests to identify potentially dangerous infections. Like a woman, a man will need to determine the blood type and Rh factor, as well as exclude the possibility of dangerous diseases.

If no serious health problems are found in future parents, you can proceed to the next stage of preparation for conception – lifestyle adjustments:

  • women;
  • men.


Preparing for conception for women: key lifestyle features

The sooner the expectant mother chooses a healthy lifestyle, the better. However, at least 2-3 months before conception, it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Rejection of bad habits

Perhaps, every girl knows about quitting smoking and drinking alcohol while preparing for conception. This step is very important, because bad habits negatively affect the health of the body, which can subsequently harm the baby or reduce the chances of conception.

  1. Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition generally means eating quality foods, predominantly fruits and vegetables, minimally processed foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. It is not superfluous to limit the use of coffee, but not completely eliminate it from the diet. Your gynecologist can also give advice on proper nutrition and pre-fertility vitamins such as folic acid, E, C, etc. Taking vitamins and supplements without a doctor's recommendation is strongly discouraged.

  1. Healthy weight

Overweight reduces a woman's chances of pregnancy, as does unhealthy thinness. Therefore, maintaining optimal weight – an important step for those who want to conceive a child. As for physical activity, it helps a woman prepare for pregnancy and childbirth, but too intense exercise can prevent conception. It is best to consult a doctor in this matter – he will recommend the best schedule for sports.

Overweight reduces a woman's chances of pregnancy, as does unhealthy thinness.

  1. Menstrual cycle

A girl who wants to get pregnant should monitor her menstrual cycle to determine the optimal time to conceive a child. Nowadays, there are many online tools that allow you to calculate the time of ovulation. "Window of Fertility" called six days – five days before ovulation and one – ovulation directly. Therefore, it is recommended to have sex regularly during this period. 

Preparing for conception for men: what future fathers need to take care of

Many men, unfortunately, believe that their role in conceiving a child is limited to sexual intercourse, and preparation for conception is necessary only for expectant mothers. This approach to the issue is fundamentally wrong. Future fathers should also take care of their health, as about half of unsuccessful attempts to conceive are the result of reduced male fertility.

In addition to undergoing a physical examination and taking tests ordered by a doctor, a man must also finish taking certain medications (such as antibiotics or steroids) at least 3 months before conception.

Fathers-to-be should also take care of their health, as about half of the failed attempts at conception are the result of reduced male fertility.

Like a woman, a man needs to give up bad habits, avoid exposure to toxins whenever possible, and also take vitamins prescribed by a doctor, which increase the chances of conception.

It is also important for future dads to remember that in order to maintain optimal levels of fertility, the temperature in the groin area should not be allowed to rise. For the normal formation and functioning of spermatozoa, the temperature in the testicles should be slightly lower than body temperature (about 34-35оС). Thus, male fertility is adversely affected by conditions that increase this temperature, for example:

  • saunas and baths;
  • hot baths;
  • wearing tight underwear or trousers;
  • impaired circulation in the groin area.

Competent preparation for the conception of a child – task for both partners. This, according to estet-portal.com, is important to remember for both future mothers and future fathers. It is better to identify and eliminate all kinds of health problems in advance and make a choice in favor of the right lifestyle, follow the doctor's recommendations – and then you will increase the chances not only for conception, but also for the birth of a healthy baby!

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