Variety of herbal medicines and medicinal products can replace expensive medicines, even antibiotics. Spices are used not only for colds, but also in the fight against other ailments. In India, some spices replace pharmaceutical drugs and are even more effective. Spices and their competent use will help to strengthen the immune system, cure bronchitis, cough, sore throat, runny nose, improve mood, relieve stress. Indian women use spices to prepare masks to smooth out wrinkles and increase resistance to the external environment. Spices will help with colds and various manifestations of SARS, with skin diseases.

Top 5: spices for colds and bad mood

Mustard warms the body

Mustard powder has long been used for cough and bronchitis treatments, put in socks, made into masks and drunk with milk. Acts as a warming and anti-inflammatory agent for the body. Mustard powder is a natural antiseptic. In a bath with warm, almost hot, water, add a handful of mustard powder and a little salt (can be sea). We lower our legs into the basin and heat until the water cools down, sit for about 20 minutes. Then we put on socks made of natural fabric (preferably cotton) & nbsp; and lie down in bed, for further warming. With this procedure, the runny nose will pass, the cough will decrease, the sputum will be better and faster.


Turmeric fights viruses

This spice is classified as a natural antibiotic, as it has the ability to actively fight viruses. Every day, use turmeric in food is worth to strengthen the immune system. Can be added to salads, soups, garnishes. Turmeric also calms the nervous system and prevents stress from developing. You can drink this drink: mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and ginger and pour 150 ml of hot milk. You can drink before bed. It has a beneficial effect on male potency, reduces the risk of developing prostatitis. In India, it is believed that turmeric has the ability to treat infections such as staphylococcus aureus, various types of fungi and can get rid of helminths.


Cinnamon improves body tone

Cinnamon is commonly added to coffee or baked goods. It is an excellent antidepressant, has a tonic effect, excites the nervous system, improves mood. In addition, cinnamon is considered a powerful antiseptic. It is used for the preparation of face masks, for the treatment of intestinal diseases. Every day in the morning or before bedtime, drink a glass of water with cinnamon and honey – such a drink will help cleanse the skin, saturate it with moisture, help the body remove toxins and toxins.


Ginger warms and tones, promotes blood circulation

Ginger is rich in trace elements necessary for the smooth functioning of the body. Ginger powder is able to anesthetize, remove inflammation, remove toxins along with sweat, helps to thin the mucus in the bronchi and bring it out, relieves spasms. A glass of milk with ginger powder helps with a wet cough, and when the cough is dry use a mixture of lemon, honey and ginger juice. Weekly masks of fresh ginger root help to cope with blackheads and blackheads on the face. The root also improves the functioning of the intestines, treats skin infections, and contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.


Black pepper warms and activates the immune system

Tea with lemon and black pepper not only warms, but helps to eliminate toxins, one has only to wrap oneself up and sweat. Such a drink lowers the temperature and helps the body cope with coughing and sputum.


Mint soothes and relaxes

This medicinal plant has excellent ability to calm nervous tension, relax, acts as a sleeping pill for insomnia. With a strong cough, brew two tablespoons of mint per liter of water, when the tincture is ready, add a few drops of peppermint oil extract and carry out the inhalation procedure. The fumes will help to soothe the cough and act favorably to expel phlegm.


The above spices for colds affect the entire body, so if you use them every day, you will strengthen your immunity.

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